yuewithluv's Bulletins

characters up for trade/sale (OPEN)

Posted 9 months, 28 days ago by yuewithluv

i recently went through my characters again and decided some downsizing was in order, so my trades/sales account has some new faces i'd like to rehome!


mostly looking for USD for the ones that can be sold (prices listed in their profiles), otherwise i'm most interested in art - though i'm willing to look at characters as well, though i'll be picky with those!
the only exceptions are the two plush dragons, whom i'd prefer to swap, though i'll still look at other stuff for them too!

if you're interested, comment here or DM, please! have a good day~!

one of my friends just got in into goatlings so i figured i'd give this a shot! i'd love to trade some of my characters for currency or wishlist items :3

you can find the characters in this bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1143108.rehoming-characters-uft-s-open-

i'll likely be pickier with some but i'll probably part with them for the right offer! if you'd like to have a look at my wishlist, here it is: https://www.goatlings.com/wishlist/view/101667

i'll still accept regular offers as well, if you'd prefer that! refer to the bulletin above for info on that ^^

rehoming characters! (UFT/S - OPEN)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by yuewithluv

hello everyone~! i rarely post on here but i've decided i wanna rehome some characters, so i figured i might as well post in as many places as i possibly can haha...

https://toyhou.se/yuewithluv/characters/folder:1971215 | https://toyhou.se/anxiety/characters

these are the characters in question! i'm mostly looking to sell the majority of the ones in the first link (especially the ones designed by me) as i'm currently working on an itabag so i need funds to get new merch for it~! however i'll also look at art offers and maybe character offers, though i'll be significantly pickier with the latter. i also take vouchers/gift cards!

as for the characters in the second link, i'm mostly looking for art, though you can offer other things too. they've just been stuck a while so i don't have much hope for anything more haha...

in any case, please comment here or DM me if interested! you can also ask for my discord if you'd prefer to chat there! thank you for looking :3