yun095's Bulletins

Level Up

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago by yun095


Spend levels here for the character!

‼️Late penalties include additional -2 cost on each purchase ‼️

[-3] Small accessories e.g collars, earrings, small bows

[-5] Colors e.g tattoos, scars, hair dye

[-10] Large accessories e.g cloaks, sweaters, headpieces, masks, wings

[-20] Evolution

Reply in-character with level costs and ref pic.

PokeFarmLocke notes

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago by yun095

Main folder here

- aim to draw hatched first
- use rng to decide if it's a rare breed or not (1-10, 7=rare), otherwise do not make an OTT design (base colours and eye colour can change slightly.)
- if fail to draw it after it evolves??? then yes dead, or story-wise it gets adopted/sent away idk
- don't have to evolve immediately, put evostone to delay and draw when ready/enough levels
- make note if u want to draw it, dont name if its already past
- not a strict level system but generally headshot [+1] and full [+2], otherwise if I felt I struggled drawing it and did well in the end I give more levels 

-** regarding from other artists, you can ask for them to decide the levels of their work, max should be +4 considering bg works

- levels can be used to purchase Special Things
- things like accessories, hair cut/color, clothes, patterns-> all must be described in-story

- all pics should have captions that add a bit more story to the characters

- two character pieces, make sure to include them in tags and level gain


Mak, more kind of belts or leather bags/packs, for him to run errands to other farms

Sunny, will need to let him evolve before giving him work and items, thinking arm guards when charmeleon, but he’s not the type to do heavy work? Might make him stay in the shop as a shop assistant instead

Bow, roselia bonnet or cloak hood... but design clash. Will be mostly be put for crop work. Maybe a whistle or bell. Or small basket/hood that looks like extensions of its hair/flowers