» f r e e b i e s

. the freebie bin

rules :

♪ do not trade or sell, you may only host giveaway games and raffles / gift the freebie

♪ since i'd like to give these to people who actually will use them, you must comment a short explanation of what you're going to do with them. nothing too big but enough to show me you're really into that adopt

♪ you must have extra art done of it within a month of receiving. i will check before the transfer to make sure you understand this. commissioned art is okay, and for commissioned art it's okay if it's a little late since i understand artists can't do commissions super fast. for personal art, please contact me after the month of time to send me at least a sketch of your artwork, and i can give you extra time.

♪ must include a "☆" in your comment/pm asking for a freebie along with your explanation (detailed above) or your offer will be ignored/deleted