WoF (Aty'vrr)

Tribe Infos:

Nightwings: Nightwings are the second largest dragon species in Aty'vrr, they are also one of the most feared Dragons on the continent. these Dragons are very intelligent, but they are not the fastest flyers. they are very strong and muscular. They live in the wastelands of Aty'vrr.

Seawings: Seawings are medium-sized Dragons who spend most of their time in the Reef of Aty'vrr. they cant breathe fire, if you meet a Seawing you should have nothing to worry about these Dragons are mostly very peaceful (Mostly), they don't fly that fast but in the water they are faster than any other tribe.

-Royal Seawings dont must have any Royal Markings, Royal Markings are only called Royal because this Rare mutation was discovered a few times in the Seawing Royality lineage. So non-Royal Seawings can also have "Royal" Markings  (my AU)

Sandwings: Sandwings are medium sized Dragons who live in the great desert of Aty'vrr. although these Dragons can withstand extreme heat, most of the time they are quite dehydrated. they fly very fast and a deadly stinger which can inject venom at the end of their tail, makes them to "flying killer machines"
and they breathe extremely hot fire.

Skywings: Skywings are the fourth largest Dragon species in Aty'vrr, but they fly very fast for their size. they live in the mountainous grassy plains of Aty'vrr. they are very strong and smart, they also have huge wings compared to their body.

Mudwings: Mudwings are the largest Dragons in Aty'vrr, they don't reach high speeds when flying, but they have a very high endurance. They live in the muddy swamps of Aty'vrr where they feel very comfortable. These dragons are very strong and massive, you could compare their muscles with steel.

Icewings: Icewings are medium sized Dragons and the fastest flyers in Aty'vrr, they live in the snowy peaks of the continent's taiga. their Frostbreath freezes everything immediately and if it hit a spot like your chest, the ice will eat its way straight to your heart. then theres not even a small chance of survival. in addition, they can easily hold to almost any surface with their claws, which are jagged like ice picks, they also serve to rip large pieces of flesh from the opponent's body, which leads to life threatening blood loss. these dragons are the most feared Tribe of the continent.

-There are 2 Species of Icewings, the Arctic Icewings and the Subarctic Icewings. The Arctic Icewings have cold Blue Blood and the Subarctic Icewings have more warmer Red-Purple Blood (hybrids also have Purple blood no matter which species of Icewing the one parent is) both species are common. Icewings also have different Frostbreath Colors they can have all Colors of the rainbow but very very light, the colors are hereditary (my AU).

Rainwings: Rainwings are the smallest Dragons of the continent, they live in the beautiful Rainforest of Aty'vrr which they share with the leafwings but they very rarely meet each other. they never leave the rainforest unless there is a serious reason to do so, that is because they have enough food there. rainwings are herbivores (there are a few exceptions). they have fangs which are constructed like spitting cobra fangs, they can be used to shoot venom when threatened. thanks to the surface of their scales, the light is refracted, which makes the dragons can turn invisible when they want. they can also change the color according to their mood or when they want to turn their color.

Hivewings: Hivewings are the third largest dragon species in Aty'vrr, most Hivewings are considered as very aggressive and unpredictable. they can set up their tower-like hives in many different places besides the taiga and the desert. almost everything on their bodies is dangerous. similar to sandwings, these dragons have a stinger at the end of their tail with which they can shoot boiling acid which is supposed to smell like something decaying is put in sulfur. the venom in their claws, teeth and spikes is a paralyzing neurotoxin that feels like fire burning every muscle in your body. you want to run or fly away in pain but you can't move or even blink.

Leafwings: Leafwings are medium sized dragons, they live in a part of the rainforest that ends in a normal forest. they are very well camouflaged. some leafwings have the leafspeak ability, which allows them to talk to plants and obey these dragons.

Silkwings: Silkwings are extinct on the main continent. They live on a small group of islands in the southwest of Aty'vrr. these dragons are beautiful and actually nothing about them is dangerous, that's also one of the reasons why these dragons are kept as servants by hivewings (rarely other tribes). one of their skills is to predict the weather. they can do this with the help of their antennae. these dragons hatch without wings, at the age of 6 they undergo a metamorphosis and go into a cocoon when they come out they have a pair of wings.

Beetlewings: Not much is known about Beetlewings, in Aty'vrr theres only one known Beetlewing.

(a lot of what i wrote are my own ideas for example the size ratios, but a few things are the official infos)

I use this reference for the ages: https://wingsoffirefanon.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Heliosanctus/%22Human_Years%22_to_%22Dragon_Years%22#Chart_