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Gemini and 👏 Sagittarius men, 🅰 you 😍 play/have played 🕹 genshin impact or cookie run, 🏃 dnf shippers, thinks 👏 mordetwi is 💦 funny, 🐟😂 if 🙎😱 your cis, white 🏻👱 gay 💋 men, 🚹🤡 white 🏻 transfem, Australians, have 🤷👩 an 👹👴 australian 🏖🌝 accent, 🔥🔥 British 'people, 👧 Italians, you 🏿😩 don't 🚫 like ❤ the 🦃😃 color yellow, 🍌 if 🍆👉 you've 😍 ever read 👁📖 homestuck, had a 🏾📝 Hamilton phase, 👏 had 💦😷 a Percy Jackson phase, 🌓🌑 you 💬👦 can read cursive, your 👉👉 favorite subject 📐📐 in 📥 school 📚 is 😩💦 English ❌❌ or 🚪🎡 history, don't 👎 like ☃ pineapple on pizza, taller than 😽👉 64, bi 👱♀ men 😫 that have 👏 a 👏👏 gaming pc, 💻💻 bi girls that ✌😷 are attracted to 💦 white 👱 gamer boys, 🙇👴 haven't watched 👧 at 👈🍆 least one of 💦 the 👏👏 Barbie movies, haven't watched ⌚ glitter force, 🖐🌑 has 👏 bought merch from a 👌 Minecraft streamer, thinks GeorgeNotFound is 💦😀 attractive, has 🛒✅ lived with more ⚠➕ than 😻👉 one pet 🐩🐶 dog, 🐕 if you 😡 have 👌 ever 👄 been 👏👑 in 〽🕶 a 📢💰 hot 🔥🔥 topic (to 💦 shop or 🔮 other 🙌 wise) 💦 Gamer 👤 men 🏻👨 that 🚟 identify 🔬👍 as 'cishet' (you 😘👶 can't 🔫🔫 be ☃ a 💰💰 gamer 👤 and straight 👫 and cis you 😂 fucking 👏🏻 fruit), if ⁉👏 you watch/or 👀👀 have watched Jschlatt or Technoblade (your 🏼🏼 racist 😤🏻 kys), 🔫🔫 parents 👫 are in 🚪🍞 a stable 🐎🏠 marriage, make 💰🛠 deez nuts 🥜 jokes/think 😎😎 penis 👀👀 jokes 😎 are 🙅 funny 😂🐟 (they're 😝 not), ❌❌ gets 🙎 gender envy form 💦 Ranboo merch photos(you're weird), can't 💦 cook/don't like cooking, 🍳 you 😲👈 make ♀🙅 'I miss 🏻 [insert 🤦🤦 streamer]' jokes immediately 💰👏 after 🏃 they end ⛔ their 🍆 live, if 👉 you genuinely 👌👌 enjoy ☺ The 💚 Fall ↘ from 👉 Lovejoys new 👌💌 ep, if 🚀🙎 you 👈👇 genuinely liked 🙋 Perfume from 🤤💩 Lovejoys new ep, nlm or nblm, asexual, neo pronoun users, 😏 respect 💯✔ neo pronouns, 👌 multiple pronoun users 😏👎 (just 👌🤣 use 🚀😂 one 😥☝ you freak), ✋✋ no pronoun users (again 😎 just use 👏⚒ one), 😬 last name 🤔👤 starts ↔
with an a b e r 💰 or w ❗

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