zezazozo's Bulletins

first literature uploaded...

Posted 25 days, 22 hours ago by zezazozo

my semi-frequent update bulletin will be a bit shorter this time around just because i havent done Too much... 

i've been working on archbi's friends' pages but i won't be done those until i draw something else for them... and thinking of matevos still >> 

anyways, though, my main update is that i've uploaded my first Real literature ^^ ... it was written in 2022 but i've been wanting to put writings on here for a while so... i'll take what i can get. it's kinda long so i'm not really expecting anyone to read it lolol but i'm glad that its up anyhow!

i have at least 2 more writings i want to upload, not sure when i'll get around to it though because transferring the writings from gdocs to toyhouse is a formatting nightmare (among other things i'll have to do before uploading). but if any of you are interested... it's baccay and devereux writings ^^

i'll probably make another bulletin when they're up! but in the meantime, i hope everyone is feeling marvellous... 

really great music recc!! :’3

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by zezazozo

i know this is different than my usual bulletins but my silly released her album today!!! i’d love if anyone gives it a listen, even offer feedback if you want, she’ll appreciate anything :3 :3 i also just love advertising her ;3

! ~ ! death or june by eleanor on earth ! ~ ! 

think of her when you see a cloud…. ^^

another productivity update...

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by zezazozo

i gave everyone in sherwin & jiyad's friend groups some small code (if i tried to do more characters i wouldn't have enough unique pictures to use T-T).  i added a little music player on their profiles (on pc the button to play it is slightly displaced lol), which i also love... really only victor's song is Real to Him, but i tried to get some pretty real songs for everyone else too.  along with finding songs, it was funny gathering quotes, since at least two of the characters only had one line of dialogue to choose from. there'll be more trivia bullets to come... perhaps some of them will even get Upgraded code with more info... but that's for another time. hopefully the rest of bksfd will also get code, but i want more pics of 'em before i do that :p (i'll probably do what i can today, though).

i updated my miscellaneous folder's directory... tried to keep it simple and close to the default folder sorting but with Coded Flair. i might do something different later anyways, not sure how to approach it. 

also fully filled out matevos' profile... I Love Matevos <3. its a rdr themed code (:D), but its not mobile friendly (D:), so i'll either change it down the line or offer its contents in an easier format via tab or something. speaking of tabs... i added tabs of my friends' rdo characters for fun!! rat had existed beforehand, but i made another friend sit down with me and make deirdre in under an hour because matevos needs more pals... if anyone on here has a cowboy (or a character from general 1800s america, you get) i'd love to brainstorm silly relations matevos could have with them, since a good bit of his story involves travelling with/meeting different people.

anyways, thats it for now... i've been wanting to draw a ton of ideas but idk when that'll come to fruition. for now i'm enjoying doing all of this formatting :3 sooo fun. hope everyone is having a marvellous day ^^

succubud myo event (nm)

Posted 1 month, 22 days ago by zezazozo


friend has one of these guys... so i'm intrigued... :3 

bakersfield folder update ^__^

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by zezazozo

updated bakersfield code... yayy... there's a pagedoll now too :3

i hope that now it's slightly more Friendly in general (meaning for both mobile and pc) to navigate. i relocated the relationship code that took a while to scroll through & replaced it with something that's easier to get past. same for the general bksfd information folder, now (imo) it's easier to navigate since it's not all within a small scroll box. 

i suppose now after this i'll get to work on everyone's individual profiles... or something.. 

it was always that pic of mauri lolol. also changed my profile code! yippee. made this reentry page as well... lots of time spent today copy pasting. hope everyone is having a wonderous day

updated directories...

Posted 2 months, 1 day ago by zezazozo

is it better (or at least somewhat the same lol)

3 Votes yes 👆
0 Votes no 👇

idk if it's better or worse now... i think it looks nicer on pc for sure, but on mobile i feel having to scroll more is unfortunate... (also the text run off + squish is annoying me more than it should!)

new character directory :^+ new world directory :3

making the world directory have actual character art as the headers made sense to me, but now i'm thinking maybe i could do the same for mine? i just have the issue of thinking i don't have enough/any art that would be good enough to broadcast front and center! (not only in the "is this art good enough" way, but i don't have tons of art that includes all the relevant characters for each folder that is Also the right crop for it lolol).

feel free to answer the poll... or don't....

animations update

Posted 2 months, 20 days ago by zezazozo

hello, just wanted to put up a bulletin with some more recent content. 

it's not new, but here's an animation of my guys sherwin and yakov. as the description of the video states, this is my first "actual" animation or whatever, instead of just short little gifs... yippee...

also, here's the result of the animation mentioned in my last bulletin :3 
