The Evil Adventures of Shadowcat - a superhero comic idea about Cody, an edgy teen who grabs at the chance to live the supervillain life of her dreams, but the consequences are much greater than she expected...

my design forever homed minor female male cat humanoid ART WANTED needs ref adult human worth known closed species bunny nonbinary demon 18 alien robot mrvulturebones design mouse 19 deer co-owned seltsamer stuffed spookie 17 kirucafe 11 wolf chewzers design plushie bat slimes k0shkaa zombie cat ant vampire fandom frostling datadigger zombie bunny hybrid sylveon 21 navyn vampire dog tv head plushie bunny spectrel wermling open species raccoon operator design giraffe foxcoon impim glider kico coyotears duskky hextant design paranormal-thingum pokemon nymph