Patch notes: 0.2 | Updates

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Hyexur



- Welcome to FIVE NIGHTS OF FRIGHTS! Not only do we have a NPC who is more than happy to talk to you all in discord during this event and tell you spooky lore stories! We also have raffles, a shop and more happening. As well as the return of the 'exchange' where you can turn in unwanted designs for a MYO of the same rarity. There will also be adopts just in time for the spooky season! Please note all of these events are happening in our discord! Please check it out here and join the event~ Please note that we often will not @here for the raffles so please make sure you have unmuted or check back on the 'event' channel in the discord so you don't miss anything!

- We are no longer going to be supporting a masterlist. For any of the species, we ask that people keep their designs on TH and message us if you plan to not have them on here anymore. We'll still track any theft etc but it's become too much of an issue to keep track of everything and we think it's for the better to drop the idea fully. You will no longer need to inform us of any hand swapping of designs. We do ask that you tag us as species creators on TH when your designs are uploaded.


- The 'common' written language is finished you can download it here!  in patch 0.3 we will add the Rosilorn, Cloki, Vro, Kla, Meorling and Kayrid variants. Please keep your eye out.

- The spoken language is finished! You can view it on the world anvil here! If you have any words you'd like to request please open a ticket on the discord and next language update we'll see about adding any requested words.

- Thanks to the spooky season we've finished most of the info for the common plague-like things on Atgra. Blemishing, Tarnishing and more! View it here Please note a lot of lore changes have been made. All 'plagues' can now infect all species types. We will update this link to the world anvil within a few days or with the patch of 0.3 .

- A new NPC, they are very friendly we hope you enjoy their company! Expect to see them...often during events.

—----Works in Progress:

- We are still working on some of the traits expect them and all species info in 0.3 along with the soft soft launch of the world anvil. Though you can view the world anvil page now you will sadly find it limited. We will however be publishing things slowly before the patch in some cases so you can check back in.

- Our focus is getting 0.3 out with all the info needed for each species, but we are also working on new NPC's for the new shops we plan on having though the shops will be limited in some items as you'll find that event shops will offer unique goods.


- Thank you all for your patience like always, it means the world to us. Things irl have kept me and Tetsu very busy but we are pleased to finally be able to share some new updates with more already in the works and on the horizon! Please look forward to it!


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