Hey guys, for the past several days I've been working on a merchildren closed species idea ; q ; !

You can read the info here: http://tinyurl.com/j9azv8e

I'm looking for thoughts/opinions and what I should add (other than visuals but you can request specific things for visuals !) like other info and stuff! You're free to ask anyquestions then I'll answer it !


Also there's a name idea at the end of the doc, so if you guys can choose your favorite one would make me super happy!


i really like the name bellreni !! they sound so pretty orz orz

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deep sea mermaids can have glowies too... (i've probably watched one too many deep-sea documentaries sjkgsf)

I'M SO INTO THIS - THIS IS COOL AUUUAUSUAUUAUS I've been thinking of my own merchildren too but they're more split into classes like nobility xD (inspired from a mermaid prince i made long ago) plus i like the name bellsyr!

cRIES GLAD U LIKE THEM SO MUCH !!! idk i just wanted pretty mer children and do something cool with their abilities so I tried expanding on the idea hNG

and yeah some of the deep sea ones do have glowing parts on their body! Whether it's a pattern or an external part of their body uhu

!!!!!!!! hnng i can't wait for you to make this? *o****

cRIES TYSM //////

It's gonna be a lot of pain thO HNG //trying to sketch on out in PS