bigger purge

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by vinsmoke

ya everyone here 

also everyone on moonprincesslover69 is uft too if u want any lol

ALSO i would love to do a 3 way trade if anyone would be willing to spend 1950 pts on a character and then i can draw u as much as u want/trade any characters in the purge folder :DDD (trying to get back an old character of mine + i love them)

really only looking for pts cause im trying to buy smth but i might take art :) 

id rlly appreciate any shares/offers :D (ill draw u a little colored sketch or smth if u share :D)


I can offer 2000 points for Sperklebonge ^^

i can do that :D my da is STINKIIY  ill send sperkle over, take good care of them :D

could u lmk if u ever take offers on sperkle?? id gladly offer back the same (or more) amount to get them back :) ik youll give them a good home though :D

Sent! ^^ Let me know if you get the points in alright! ^^
Of course I'll let you know! Thanks for everything! :D


I'm like dirt poor 😥 but i sent over some points :^)

AHHH TYSM DUDE 😭😭 is there anything u want in return? I feel bad taking the pts for free lol

ofc man 😭 ummm can you draw ?

yeah :D

Thanks man 💪💪

ive got 1200 points :] i really like m0nst3r but im not sure how much youd want for them !! i can add art if needed

hmm idk lol u can just offer an amount that seems fair :D

i can offer 1200 da points and a tweened animation meme max 40 seconds :] examples here

ya i can do that!! ill dm u the details for the meme :) (edit - the meme i sent u, you can just remix it if u want instead of making a new one lol)

i feel that 💀💀

tysm for sharing :DD who do u want me to draw??

choose anyone in sonas or mains!! also imma send my last 40 points over rq lmao how much for these? i may come back if i get enough :)

okay :D ill try to do it tomorrow cause i have to go to bed soon lol AHH TYSM :D

for those guys uhhhh beartooth + mistflower are 100 pts each and luis and lenny idk lol im rlly tent on them