life update/vent not really imp

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by softiemoss

yeah this isn't really important at all, i just need a way to get my thoughts and feelings out in a way that won't really bother people.

I miss my boyfriend so fucking much, and I feel like he hates me. I feel like a total stranger in the tiny, meaningless conversations we have-- if I'm given anything at all. I feel like he's a completely different person, and he loathes even talking to me. He doesn't say so, but his replies are short, curt, and just... dry. Like there's no love for me in his heart anymore.

I just want things to go back to the way they were. I want to feel better, but I don't know how.

if you have any advice, feel free to post it below. if not, feel free to ignore this. 

thanks, have a nice day.


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thank you, Hacker! i really appreciate it.

A important thing in relationships is communication. I would tell him your thoughts, and if he ignores you he may not be the one for you, im sorry to say :<

Technically we already broke up because in his words he 'didn't have the emotional capability to be in a relationship anymore' and I wanted to respect that and give him his space. I thought after a while he'd feel better and come back but he's just... not.

I don't think things are gonna get better.