well i'm having my final exams on this month , it's very likely replies will be slower but i check th everyday , i ujst need a bit more time than usual . Nothing personal yk, social interactions become harder for me when i'm under too much pressure ghsdfhd (if you're a friend this is why i wasn't very talkative for the past weeks yaya)

that also applies to owed art , customs , all of that hfgdhjs

i dont wanna burn out so i just try to alternate between hobbies, owed art, talking to people (friensd or people who i owe stuff) and studying

iam trying my best to organize myself instead of just procrastinating like previous years since that doesn't get me anywhere GHFHJGF hope you guys get it :D I'll be trying my best to finish all of the things that are delaying my general activity so i can be active again !!

ngl I almost gave up on some of my subjects this year but i'll hopefully be getting my grades up this month :skull:)


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