Art Trade! (OPEN) <3

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Patapon

Yes! Art Trade!

I could Draw Humanoid only!

And Will do HalfBody only!

Art example:


Idk how you do the Click Spoiler! Lmao Teach me! ToT

Anyways I want someone to draw My Genshin Oc! Sylvia! Leoni! Hujan! Juno! Jiaoshu! Nozomi! Lancy! 💕

Just comment! Tell me Which one you want to draw! & Tell me which oc you want me to draw! (no dm! >:0)

Tysm for Reading!! 🐙


I would like to draw Hujan! Can you draw my oc in genshin folder?

Or my Twst sona Sal?

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I will draw anyone for you, but I would love to draw the little fish character 🐠

You can draw any humanoid in my OC folder! (Except samantha unless you really want to)

Even if you don’t draw anyone for me I would still like to draw the fish character for free if that’s alright!!

Btw art examples are here

Sorry! I can't accept this! I just want my genshin oc to be drawn! X"D

Ok! I can draw them for free then if you want! Which one do u want me to draw?

Nono it's okay you don't need to draw them a free Art!

Also It's your choice to pick anyone you want to draw! I already explain who to choose! X"D

No no I insist :)

also I don’t know who to draw because they are all so cute! You can choose one for me 

U say "if u want" so No! X"D

Also It's your choice! Becuz They all r hard to draw! Yeet I haven't choose u to art trade x"D

2 Replies

WAAGHHHHH LATE BUT I'D LOVE TO DO AN AT WITH YOU 😭 ERM I'd love to dro Hujan :o ( that Indonesian/Malay (?) name for Rain I see--)

Aaa can't choose but I'd love to see IC in your style 😭 Hope issoki my part take a while because I just need to finish 2 debts (including with yours) 🏃‍♂️💦💨

I am malaysia! And Idk what to name her! X"D

Ohh and I like they're Design! 👏💕

Dodjoshsis finish them before doing your AT! UvU

WAAAA COUSIN!!! I'm Indo aoKajdk- She's Liyuean, right? Zihan might fits since it means rain :'o but who knows SHHDJ I tried to suggest-


Aaa glad to hear that! (I forgot but this is how her horns looks like now :'0

Of course! I'll let ya know when all are done! 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨

I would like to draw Leoni! I love her color scheme! ^^ 

You can draw anyone from this folder!

AHAHAHHHHH i wanna draw sylvia so bad can u draw kirie!!!!

Gasp! I was about to pick the other offer! But your Character is Adorable!

Yeet they look fun to draw! 💕

AAHHH yayy!! TY i will start the piece soon :D

Hujan lacks love, I have long wanted to ask you art trade waaa You can draw anyone in my mains sniff folder

Then I'll draw Haru!

I'll start drawing him once I'm finish other!


I would love to do Juno!
If you don't mind, could you draw my emo fella? If you do not want to, I can get you someone else <3

And the spoiler is easy! click the little lock and put whatever you would like in the box <3

Like this lololol :D

I would happily draw juno and/or nozomi if you draw AND/OR

i would like to draw lancy!! if you could draw ic if u wanna do the trade thatd be cool!

I will draw Nozomi, Hujan, and Leoni if you draw 

I will greatly appreciate the opportunity!! ^^

Hey hey! This might be a little weird but I was wondering if you would accept 2 art trades (meant to be surprised gifts for 2 friends btw) and I will offer back 2 arts in return of course.

Was thinking to draw Leoni and Hujan if you accept my offer ^^

OCs I would like to request in return are Vile (transformed version) and Meryl.

I don't have much art on here yet or at all lol but you can visit my instagram for more examples, if not I can always share more in DMs if you're willing. Thanks again~

Juno has an adorable design! I’d love to draw them! And I’d absolutely love if you would draw Klaus (currently brainrotting him rn)!