Whoops! All Cradily: PING LIST

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by dreamordecay

Select any option to be added to the ping list!

2 Votes Lileep
0 Votes Cradily
1 Votes Secret Third Thing

I almost called this an interest check except I'm doing this no matter how many ppl are interested LOL.

Anyway, this is the Ping List for my upcoming Pokémon ARPG based around Lileep & Cradily! It's called Whoops! All Cradily, and I've been working hard on it over the past couple weeks. Featuring cool lileep variants, a bunch of fun game mechanics, and a plot that reveals more content as time goes on, I hope that pokémon fans will take a look and find a new appreciation for my all-time Favorite Pokémon!

Prof. Ginkgo is a pokémon professor specializing in revived fossil pokémon, especially lileep and cradily. When she and her fossil hunter friend, Monty, discover a huge deposit of root fossils in an uninhabited area, the two struggle to receive funding for the excavation, until a wealthy family offers to sponsor it under the condition that their daughter, Quennifer, gets to participate. Quennifer is a skilled trainer and a huge fan of cradily, and her presence brings a decent number of trainers to the dig site to help out and get their own root fossils to revive!

Other upcoming characters include Vranklin, a coordinator; XOXO, a stylist; and plenty more to introduce yourselves to!

Game mechanics include…

  • Cool Variants: We'll have a bunch of color/pattern variants so you can get creative with designs, with more added every couple of weeks. The starting selection has plenty of Color and Pattern variants, and the first major update will have Fusions and Delta Types, with later updates having Battle Forms, Contest Forms, and, eventually, a Third Evolution!
  • Quests: These are divided into Battles, Contests, and Jobs. They're all completed in the same way, by drawing, writing, or otherwise creating something that fits the prompt, and can only be completed once, with some exceptions. I'm preparing a ton of quest ideas to make sure I can keep them updating and refreshed frequently!
  • Wonder Trades: I'm very excited for this one! Opening once we have a handful of players, participants send out their pokémon to be traded to someone else, and get a random one in return. Unlike the game's wonder trades, the swap only happens once there's enough pokémon in the pool to be suitably random; I'm hoping I can get it going once a week.
  • More???: Some mechanics I'd love to include are Daily Bonuses and Permanent Questlines, and like… whatever else I can think of! Because this is a very niche arpg idea, I'm trying to include a lot of cool concepts so that ppl who may not be interested in lileep/cradily on their own can find something interesting.

I am looking forward to opening it in January 2023! I wanted to open it earlier but let's be real, Christmas is going to take up most all my time. I'm not setting an exact date this early except that it probably won't be the 1st.

You will be pinged twice total; once for the announcement of the Release Date, and again for the Grand Opening. Any vote in the poll puts you on the ping list. You can subscribe to me for further updates, if you want! But it's not necessary.

Thank you for reading! I look forward to seeing you at the dig site!


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