guys guys talk zootopia to me

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago by CionKeiasta

just watched the movie with Wei today and HAHHAHA




He nibbled her

I liked the story. ^^ Though I felt that the bunny was a wee bit over-emotional?? The movie was awesome, nonetheless. And I'd watch it over and over and over again.

I think it was perfectly normal in a real life situation, especially for females in that situation-- They tend to be over-emotional haha When she really wanted Nick to come back, it got me good :3c

Yeah, I think it was a great movie overall !

Not exactly. That would be normal, but if it was like a boyfriend-is-breaking-up-and-he's-moving-away moment. She was totally reacting as if she'll never see Nick again and such (or never ever get along with her), which threw me off a little. I know girls can be emotional and I could tell that Judy would be rather sad, just not that much to start randomly bawling like that.

Regardless, it's a unique movie to be considered a Disney movie. For once, there aren't random singing montages because the movie itself is full of story and has no need for fillers (except the beginning because cinematic scenes of Zootopia's regions are better off with music). That's one thing I find a big plus in my opinion.

And because I love how the movies teases an awkward shipping at the end with no restraint, haha. <3

It doesn't really matter if you're dating them or not, I would be scared and hurt if I lost a really good friend like that? In fact, I would be devastated if I lost a friend like that. She knew what she did was really hurtful to Nick and she did such things despite Nick telling her of his past which why she was apologetic. Luckily, Nick is a sweet person, if it was someone else that wouldn't be really that forgiving, they could've tossed her aside. If you're an emotional person who cares about their friends, then that would be normal? In fact, I had a really similar scenario just two weeks ago and I was literally bawling and apologizing profusely.

I guess you do have a good point there if Judy happens to be the rabbit that truly cares for anyone that cares about their friends, even if they met them a few hours ago, haha. Totes forgot about that. I've known several people whom I can see that very same situation occur.

And sometimes I do that to, but for a very close friend that I've known. Well... I tend to have issues communicating my ideas correctly from time to time and it really stinks whenever one of my close friends all of a sudden "hate" me for it. One time, one of my friends essentially didn't speak to me for a month, so it wasn't a pretty thing to come across with.

You know... Nick is one of those characters that I wish I could meet in real life. (Is that weird?) Like, he's so well developed and stuff. And you did hit the nail stating he is a sweet person, even though he's not the kind to out-rightly admit it. I wish that silly, talking fox was my friend too.

lol I'M SORRY I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET. My sister wants to watch it but I'm not sure xDD

LMFAO I think it was worth my money since I rarely go to movie theaters-- The last time I went before Zootopia was like almost two years ago when Jurassic World came out :3c

Hmmm, then I think I'll go watch it with her xD Ohh, same. Like I think the last time I went was to watch Penguin of Madagascar. My two sister kept trying to drag me out of bed to go with them(Since its cheaper if you go in the morning ;w;).


Hot tigers. That is all. LMFAOOOOOOOO--

lmFAO the tigers are actually pretty hot

that's what i noticed HAHA





I was that friend too. = w = bbbbbbb

yo yo go nuts with this

Awww, you have the app too?!

Yeah! I've done it with p much all my characters XD

I need to show this to my sister. She has people/anime oc's, which are definitely more fitting to this sort of thing than my feral ones.

bless u because i had too much fun with it

Glad you did :D