; _ ; i don't want this hellsite to die as much as its funny to see it go kaboom but. in case things go south, I'm still v active here on TH, but here's other places you can find me!

Portfolio + Comm info

(Revived) Art Tumblr

FFXIV Art Only Tumblr



Discord Server

In case there are any other socials that pique my interest and I decide to be active on, I will update this bulletin!


omg?! im not on twitter but im sad to see it explode like this ;;u;; holy shit. i hope it’s possible for it to go back to semi-normal SOMEHOW?? 


can elon pls stop fucking around w the website im fucking begging at this point im so sick of constantly switching platforms man :sobbing: i just wannt a chill place to post my stuff where more ppl and clients are at instead of like posting in the void all the time bc we keep having to LEAVE PLACES JAFHSDKJGHKJDHGSD

ALSO YES OFCCC DRAGS U IN THERE, its quiet and not much going on rn bc i like barely advertise it HAJSFHSDG BUT FEEL FREE TO HOP IN

GOD!!! i an so fucking sorry ive been on the sidelines of all of this but its such a dumpster fire 😭 twitter was such a great way to meet people and find artists/clients both ; ; HOW DID WE REACH THE BAD ENDING… o<-<

BUT!! i am running to ur server hehe :3c (shaking you)