[MYO] Wildren MYO Event #5 [CLOSED]

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by smooshkin



Things have changed since the first few events! Please take time to acquaint yourself with the way the tickets work! There are many new traits as well. Exotic slots will be temporarily unlimited this time because of all the changes to give people as much freedom as possible.


  • Comment with your intent to claim! SPECIFY which kind of slot! It helps record keeping!
  • You will receive a PM from Redsplendence or smooshkin if accepted. Please follow the directions in it.
  • You may claim for a friend! Someone else may pay for you, but be sure to tell me.
  • PM your finished design to me OR post it in the #MYO-approval channel of my CS Discord for faster approval!
  • Max TWO (2) slots per person.
  • $20USD per Common slot. $30USD per Rare slot. $50USD per Exotic slot.
  • There is no time limit on when to turn in your design.
  • You may use these BASES to help design your Wildren, commission another artist, or draw it yourself!
  • Species Refs + Info
  • Trait Guide!
  • Event ends in 5 days from bulletin post date.


Beastkin Claw [Common]
"A monstrous claw that feels heavier than it should!"
[Usage: A Common MYO. Grants access to all Common traits and bloodlines and 1 Uncommon trait [credit].]

Heart Beet [Rare]
"It smells like petrichor and is deeply connected to The Garden World. A delicacy among Wildren."
[Usage: A Rare MYO. Grants access to 1 Rare Bloodline, 1 Rare trait [credit] and all rarities below.]

Hollow Dust [Exotic]
"A vial of something long since turned to dust by the curse of Hollow. It must have been precious to the owner."
[Usage: An Exotic MYO. Grants access to all Rare traits and Rare bloodlines and below as well as 1 Exotic trait [credit].]


You can earn 1 extra RARE (Or Uncommon if you choose) trait for this event, regardless of which slot type you choose.

  • 1. Help me spread the word by referring this MYO event to someone who also claims a slot. (I can provide TH invite codes to anyone if they need it.)
  • 2. Have that person confirm that you sent them or show me proof of some kind. This can be done any time.
  • 3. Once I confirm, you may add another Rare trait to your Common or Rare Slot. (If you purchased an exotic, you can give your trait to the person you referred instead.)


At some point after the end of this event (at least a month to give people time), I will select 1 of my favourites of the created Wildren and the winner will receive an artistic freedom sketch of it from me. In order to be selected, the Wildren must be posted to your TH Gallery, tagged appropriately and not hidden so I can find it!




Q: How do the bloodlines work?
Choose your Wildren's main bloodline. You may then choose 1 or all of the traits associated with that bloodline.
Bloodline is separate from ordinary traits and doesn't count against your trait [credit].

Q: Can I use traits from more than one bloodline?
You may use traits from another bloodline if it is of -lesser- rarity than the one you chose.
If it is of the same rarity or higher, it will use up your trait credits.

Adopt ToSToS


I'd like to buy 1 common slot for myself please

Quite a lot of bit late there, my friend.


LOL NO PROBLEM. Not sure when the next event will be unfortunately but I always announce in my species discord. <3

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Commenting to say that my second common myo slot was gifted to peachsodaa


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roger that

commenting to let you know my rare slot has been resold to artofdroth !

Ok ty!

I can grab a rare and exotic?? ;w;

the event is over, sorry! It ended about 8 hours ago (4 hours before you posted)

Thank you for your interest, regardless! 

Can I grab 1 common slot?


Can I get 1 rare slot please?



I'm back for my second slot. Common this time please.


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Ok! Please send another payment for your second slot and I will credit you with a bonus trait. :) You can use the trait on whichever slot you'd like to use it on.

Probably a silly question but, if I buy a slot for a friend, would it count as a recommendation?

Not technically, since only one person is getting the slot and so there'd be no one to earn the bonus trait. I mean, if you bought a slot already then yes, I could see it counting.

I have bought my own slot, and I'm only paying for it for her because she cant afford one for herself atm

Then yes, if you pay for their slot, I will credit yours with a bonus trait. :)

:3 I would like to buy them the rare slot please (I would have bought it either way I was just curious lol)

(If smoosh hasnt gotten back to you yet on this, I can take care of it!)

2 Replies

I would like to claim one more slot, an Exotic one this time though!

Aw shit man this is why I shouldn’t do things right before bed

I think you already noticed the mistake but just in case, remember that exotics are now closed!

Exotics were only available for the first 48 hours, sorry :(

It's all good! Lolol. 

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They’ve already achieved the max amount of slots they can obtain from this event, sorry!

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if it's for NikiNazu, no! However, if it's for yourself, sure thing!

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Fuck it, lemme get a common slot


Would like another common! 


Can I grab one more common?


May I get one exotic?


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Heheheeheh I'd like to get an exotic slot pleaaaase! <3



I'd like to get a common slot please!

noted :)

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I’d like to get a rare slot!


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Thank you Bandito! <3 I’m excited to make these babies!

Hey! I'll be noting you shortly for the payment information, but just to confirm for bookkeeping purposes: That is 1 exotic and 1 rare for each of you?

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No problem! tysm for clarifying! 

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I forgot to add you to that section on the bulletin but rest assured you are correctly marked on my personal list :)!

1 Replies

Sold my exotic slot to Voluspa (posting for record keeping reasons.)

If I get Heart Beet, I can do a Djinn and Wolver mix? If yes, sign me up please!!

Yes! Noting! 


one rare slot, please? <3 Houndour will pay for me, and she's the one who referred this event to me!

Noting! You will be able to pass the payment information to her

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Could I get a Rare slot please? ovo)/


Could I get another Exotic Slot please?


ooo i just noticed u have me under common! i nabbed a rare (tho i said uncommon bcus im DUMB), just to clear things up!

sorry! Will fix

ah no worries!!! ty!!!

I’d love to get an Exotic Slot please!


May I get a common slot please? <3


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Can i get a rare slot please 


Could I nab an exotic slot please? <3


Would like to purchase a rare slot for Jesi-Jess, please

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noted :) I'll put it under their name.

I would like to claim an Exotic slot, please~
I missed the last one--so excited~! 


A rare slot for me please!

noting :)

This slot has been resold to CausticFoxx! :)


I'd like to grab a Exotic Slot pretty please! :D


I'd like to claim two common slots please.


Two Beastkin Claw (Common) slots please~  ; o ; 


1 common slot pls! 


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I'd like to claim an exotic spot please :3


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Should be fixed now! Sry abt that!

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just have them link to this comment when they submit their myo for approval :) 

4 Replies

ty for letting me know 8)

May I also get 1 rare slot please? 


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Can I get an Exotic and Rare slot please?


smooshkin I sold my Rare slot to ducclord

Noted ty!

smooshkin Trading my Exotic slot to Redsplendence :)

I'll nab a rare slot, please!


Could I get a rare slot please? Thank you ♡


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I would like a common slot please. 


Could I get a common slot?

noting :)

Thanks! Payment sent!

I would like to nab an Exotic slot, please. Thank you <3

noting :)

can i grab an uncommon??


Mind if I nab an Exotic spot?

noted :)

Exotic Slot please?

noted :)

I’d like to grab an exotic slot please c:

noting :)

I've been waiting for this. May I get an exotic slot please?

awesome! noting

May I grab a common slot pleeeease~ <3

noting ^^

I'm gonna grab an exotic slot please?

noting :)

One hollow dust exotic slot pls? Gift for very important bab Kiramori ;^; she showed me this and then I was like "yeh gotta get gift for bab" 

Ok, I will put the slot under their name. :) Sending you payment info.

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id like to get an Exotic/Hollow Dust slot please 


I’d like a common slot please!


id love to get a rare slot, please!!


ppsst :0c I would love to get a rare and a common slot 


I'd like to claim a Hollow slot, please. :D


One rare slot please


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One Rare and one Exotic please!


can i grab an exotic slot please ♥
