All the character designs in this folder are up for grabs. If you need pricing for the Bamharr, please visit the DeviantArt group to find the design. I'm no longer on DA so I don't have the prices of what I paid for each. I will happily accept art instead though for them if you don't want to go digging lol. I hope to see these get rehomed.

I also have commissions available. Just basically offering them in order to earn some side money to help pay for my college books because they're expensive. If you'd like to request a commission, check out either link and contact me in the way you'd prefer. How my commissions work is that I will create a rough sketch idea and share it with you; if you like it, I'll send you an invoice and get to completing the image once payment clears. I do accept tips but they are never expected so please don't feel obligated seeing that section on my invoices.


I have been staring at this bulletin for a few days; you can't throw out about commissions and me not take it. xD 

I am broke as heck at this moment but come Wednesday I'll be poking you! 

LOL Nice to see you again <3 Hope you've been well!