Terms Of Service (TOS) + Blacklist

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Leatherfaces

- - - Leatherfaces (Maggot) TOS + Blacklist - - -

(You may use this TOS + Blacklist as a guideline for your own.)

Commission Examples

General Terms:

- Do not trace/copy/heavily reference my artwork without permission AND credit;  I will not blacklist anyone over this unless it is a repeat offense.

- Do not claim my art as your own, please provide proper credit to either my Toyhou.se (Leatherfaces) OR socials [Trinquett_ (Twitter), Maggotpilled (Instagram), Trinquett (Tumblr)].

- I have the right to refuse or cancel any trades or commissions.

-  Any payment MUST be upfront before I start any artwork, payment will be returned/refunded (if money-based) depending on whether I have started the commission or not. If I have begun the sketch, I will refuse refunds.

- If there is a watermark on the piece, do NOT remove it.

- If there is a piece I have created for you that you would prefer me not to use for advertisements (such as commission examples, raffle posts, etc), you have the right to ask me not to.

- When trading or commissioning me, please try to keep in contact with me to ensure that the work is done quickly and efficiently; you may ask for my socials such as discord or Instagram for quicker contact.

- If there are any deadlines, please let me know BEFORE you commission me; if I am unable to complete the work before the deadline then I will refuse the trade/commission.

- If the commission or trade is a gift, you may ask for me to not share the work until a specific date. Please note that I may forget, so when I complete the piece for you please do remind me.

- I will do general notices about whether I am unable to draw at that point in time; I do not have enough time to individually tell people this information, it is your responsibility to be updated.

- If you want your artwork or design to be specific, please include a sketch depicting what you'd like as it is very helpful to someone like me who relies on it.

- Any money payments MUST be paid in £ (GBP) and via Paypal or Ko-fi. 

Things I Can/Can Not Draw:

- Can: Furries/Anthros, Ferals, Humans (Note: I'm not too confident with my human art style), Gore/Horror, Themed Content (such as holiday events).

- Cannot: NSFW/Fetish Content, Mecha, Problematic Content (such as N*azi Imagery or hate crimes), Overly Complicated Designs.

If there is specific content that hasn't been addressed above you would like to discuss whether I am able to draw it or not, please let me know!


- Do not trade or sell any of my designs to blacklisted users; I will not blacklist you unless it is a repeat offense.

- Do not copy/heavily reference my designs; you may ask for permission to reference any patterns or features. If the design belongs to me, you will only need my consent; if the design I created belongs to someone else you will need BOTH of our consent to do so.  Note: I am not comfortable with people copying or referencing designs/ocs that I own which other people have created, please also abide by their terms too.

- Do not sell my designs for more than what you traded/paid for unless there is added artwork involved (commissioned with money).

- If you obtained my design via gift or trade, you are not permitted to sell the character for money unless commissioned artwork is added (in which the character's value will be based on the total amount spent on the added artwork).

- Unless the designs are gifted to others (such as birthday gifts, general gifts, etc), please do not list my designs for free and/or trade them for free; I personally consider it highly disrespectful.

- You must gain permission before redesigning any of my designs, if the character is too different from the original design I will require the old design back. The two designs will be separated, however, I must receive full credit for both regardless (as I am the original creator).

- If you return my design(s) without stating what you would like back, I will refuse any later requests. Asking for owed artwork/money/characters in return for my designs AFTER sending the character(s) back to me is incredibly disrespectful and stressful for me.

- If you private any of my designs, I require authorization or a permanent key to view the character; this is to keep track of where my designs are going as well as to make sure they are not being used for harmful content or being given to blacklisted users.

- Do not claim any of my designs as your own or created by other users, even if it is just a sketch or doodle. I created the character, I require credit.

- You may ask to colour-pick my designs, however, I have the right to refuse any requests. Do not colour-pick any designs/ocs that I did not create but own.

- You are not required to give back any of my designs unless you are a blacklisted user or have been asked by me specifically.

- If a blacklisted user wants to return a design, you may send them to any of the trusted users. Note: you must include a statement in your transfer that the design is to be traded back to me.

- I will not forcibly take a design from a blacklisted user until they no longer want it; they must forfeit the design back to me. If you are caught selling the designs despite being blacklisted, you may be unable to ask for a blacklist removal until the later future.

- Blacklisted users are to not trade or sell any of my designs, they are only allowed to return them to me directly or via trusted users.

- I would prefer if people didn't kin MY ocs or designs I own, however you may turn any of my designs you own into kinsonas as long as it isn't too different from its original design.

- If the design is based on OR known to be a minor, you are not permitted to age them up, especially for NSFW purposes.

- Do not draw hateful content of my designs, such as hateful imagery. 

Trusted Users:

Note: If you no longer wish to keep my designs and are unable to directly contact me or return them to me directly, the users below have agreed to return the designs to me for you.




If they are not on the list, do not give those designs to them. This is only for blacklisted users or users I have specifically asked to return a design. 


Note: Every blacklisted user can request for their name to be removed, after a discussion I will decide whether to remove it or not. 

Once Blacklisted:

- Blacklisted users are not allowed to own designs I've created after they have been blacklisted, the only designs of mine they are allowed to own are the ones they had before being blacklisted.

- Knowingly trading with a blacklisted user can result in a blacklist yourself.

- Blacklisted users may ask for someone to contact me in order to be removed from the blacklist, but once I agree to talk they must speak with me directly and privately. I will not tolerate rude behaviour, and if you do not respect me when I speak I will refuse your request.

- Blacklisted users with (*) next to their username are permanently blacklisted and cannot ask for removal. (Updated: 10/01/2024)

Blacklisted Users:

+ SlaughterTowns/rawrrabies (or any username they go by) (*)

+ Minty/Andre/Andredoodlz (or any usernames they go by)

+ Baron/Barontoonz/Spicylatte/MeatDem0n/Woomy (or any usernames they go by) (*)

+ Angels_Chimes/Flyagaricc/Oscar/Willow (or any usernames they go by) (*)

+ Trindintime (or any usernames they go by)

+ Hugcrabs (or any usernames he goes by)

+ _RottingGutz_ (or any usernames it goes by)

+ Gthmcty (or any usernames they go by)

+ Carnievorearts (or any usernames they go by) - asked to make a design similar to mine, blocked me after I stated I was not comfortable with it (peacefully)

+ Vomitknives (or any usernames she goes by) - see document for information (*)

- Blacklisted users can be blacklisted for professional or personal reasons, it is my choice whether I want to blacklist someone or not.

- I do not associate with any of the blacklisted users, and any inquiries about why these users are blacklisted will be ignored; I also do not wish to know about these users and their personal lives as I don't want to be involved nor do I need to. Unless it directly involves me, such as my designs, I will ignore anything about them unless they want to return my designs or be removed from the blacklist.

- The blacklist may update as time goes on, please be aware of this before obtaining my designs.

- If I have any blacklisted users names or pronouns wrong, please inform me! I have not been in contact with them, I do not know any changes that have been made to their identities.

Note: Anyone that has me blacklisted also may be blacklisted themselves, I am not overly comfortable with someone owning my designs if I have been blacklisted by them; not only is it uncomfortable but also disrespectful, if you do not want me to own your designs then it should be reasonable for me to not want you to own my designs either.

Final Notice:

Obtaining my designs means that you agree to all of my terms.


Trinquett_ + Maggoobles (Twitter)

Trinquett + Ask-Anthro-Slashers (Tumblr)

Maggotpilled (Instagram)

Trinquett (Discord)

Trinquett (Deviantart)

Maggot (Artfol)

~Trinquett (Buzzly)

Personal Carrd

Commissions Carrd

Maggotpilled (Threads)

Commission Queue:



25th November 2022

Last Updated:

15th February 2024


9th July 2023 [Update]

The most recent edit/update to my TOS is the social links, every rule is consistent and has stayed the same (minus correcting words and spelling).