Accepting 2 customs (closed, ty!)

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Jotaku

Hello!  I'm looking to take on two semi-blind(ish) customs!
I currently have two already in progress that are both in the finishing/clean-up phase, so I'd like to take on two more to start on after that.  

I'll be accepting 1 melwyrm custom and 1 non-melwyrm custom.
The melwyrm slot is $500 (or $700 with wyrm form).
The non-melwyrm slot is $275 (or $450 for base design + outfit design).  These can be for blakryes, sphaerras, feathirfolk, non-species, outfit designs, and MYOs.  Higher rarity traits (such as albinos, batryes, etc) are off-limits.

Some recent past examples:

For this type of custom I send one WIP for edits after I have the design fully roughed out.  I don't do super extensive editing rework for these, nor do I offer step-by-step mock-ups like with my past bigger customs -- it's mostly a you-get-what-you-get type thing with a little room for adjusting along the way.
I can provide a form if you prefer, but am also totally chill with working off of open-ended prompts, collages, and pinterest boards!

At least $275 should be paid up front, but I can allow some extra wiggle room for paying off the remainder - please just let me know what kinda timeframe you'd need. :)

1. quicklevin (melwyrm slot)
2. Yawal (non-melwyrm slot)


i hope one day to grab one of these TT sadly my timing is so bad due to timezones 

hnnn that melwyrm on the left   

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Honestly tho, I'm cryin fam 😭 

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Slams hands on the table!!!! I was a slumbering …

may i grab a wyrm slot O:

Sure thing, and thank you so much!
I've got you down for the slot and will PM you to hash out the details in just a moment. ^^

Can i claim the non-wyrm slot? C: 

Of course, thank you so much!  I've got you marked down for it, and will shoot you a PM for the details in just a moment. :D