Well... it says in the title I wanna leave this damn college.... I have not talked about my college life lately and this semester.... heh I just fucking had enough of this shit.. i didnt talk about it much just so i dont worry you... but im so close to my breaking point with all the papers, essay, and journals that are due every other day or week Im just done at this point.... I don't wanna be here at this college any longer... There were times i have cried out of frustration and being absolutely discouraged and burnout from all of the work... I cant take it no more... This semester is slowly coming to an end but I still have to come back for my spring semester but once I get through my spring semester Im fucking leaving this place.. I cant take it anymore and I blame myself for picking a major that I hate and Im not waiting another year just to graduate im just wanna leave here... This semester have left me heavily discouraged but it has not stopped me from still wanting to learn animation because i want to do what makes me happy... The only reason why im still continuing because of my family... But I m leaving this college once spring semester ends Im not happy here in the slightest and I just want to leave...

If you took the time to read this i really appreciate it and I love you and hope you have an awesome day or night 


I'm so sorry, Pika, college is an absolute nightmare and I completely understand being overwhelmed. It's not fair to you that all of these huge assignments are thrown on you one after another, and it's understandable to feel the way you do!

I know you'll get through it, but ultimately please do what's best for you, and if school ends up not being the best then there's nothing wrong with that. You clearly have a ton of passion and your hard work is apparent, and I know that you'll make an absolutely amazing animator if you choose that path. I'm so sorry that this has been so stressful and awful, and I sincerely hope that you'll be able to take time for yourself and do what's best for you.

I know I haven't been super talkative lately, but I mean it when I say that I'm wishing you all the best--you're absolutely wonderful and you deserve the best. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you!!! <3

Yeah this semester has driven me up a wall and I just don't know how much more I can take it being at this college with the amount of papers, essays, and journal that are due Im surprised that I haven't snap or had a mental breakdown yet.. Once I get through my spring semester Im leaving this college cause I just cant stand it here and Im not even happy here most of the time.. I still want to become an animator that passion has not died out and im not gonna let it die out.

Its alright bud you probably are dealing with stuff in your life and I understand and I wish you the best as well. Same to you if you ever need to talk im here for you too! 

I'm so sorry man, college is a bitch like that not to mention heavily overwhelming in every context. Being constantly hit with heavy assignments one after the other is dreadful, nor should any student be expected to handle it all like it's nothing. It's not fair to you, and you're completely understandable in your feelings!

Please take care of yourself and know you're doing more than enough than anyone can ask of you. You'll get through this in the end and whatever decisions you take it'll be justified. Everyone has a limit and when it comes down to it, you've worked incredibly hard and that plenty is commendable. Do whatever you feel is right by you and follow what makes you happy. You have a lot of passion for it and I know you'd make an incredible animator one day. 

Always wishing you the best, Pika   My dms are always open if you ever need to talk to someone /gen 

Thank you Gaby.  I've just been heavily discouraged from this semester even though it's close to being over I just hate it because of all I have to type up and turn in.. I'm just done with this college at this point and I want to leave her and never come back. But I also blame myself for picking a major that I regret picking it and should have looked more into it to know what I was getting into but I didn't. I just want to be away from here. 

Thank you for your message Gaby I always wish you the best as well.