12 Days of Holidays Raffle!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Melusina

12 Days of Holidays Raffle

Tis' the season to be artistic everybody! Its been awhile since we've had a multi-artist raffle, so here we are again doing another one!

This holiday season, you will be visited by Sina Claus and her bag of gifts! Each present has an 'item' in it which you, the participant, will be raffling for! Each present may include fullbody art, portraits, YCH art, doodles, sketches, HQ adopts, LQ adopts, sketches, and coal! You and other participants want to work together and try to guess which out of two presents has the best gift in it and one to three winners will receive what's inside! Try not to get the coal, for if you do then there will be no reward for anyone that day!

How does this work?
Everyday starting December 12th we will post two presents for you to vote on in the form of a bulletin. You will pick if you want to unwrap Present 1 or Present 2 then you will go to the character that is posted in On-Going Events and comment what you voted on. If you don't comment which present you voted for, your vote will be disqualified. The reason for this is to keep bots and cheaters at bay! If you vote for the losing present, you will still be added into the raffle drawing for the winning present. So don't worry! Everyone has an equal opportunity no matter which present you vote for.

Will there be extra tasks?
Of course! There will be extra tasks in the form of favoriting certain characters, following other social medias/toyhouses, writing short poems, roleplay posts, and more. These tasks are optional and are to make the event feel a little more interactive. Each extra task completed will give you +1 vote & raffle entry per task completed. You must comment all tasks completed when you post your vote confirmation on the character's comment page!

What if I win an adopt I don't want?
If you win an adopt that you don't want, you can either take it and give it away, raffle it off, trade it, or give it back/decline it. If an adopt is opened from a present and the acceptance is declined it will not be re-raffled off during this event. Instead it may be kept by the creator or given away at the end of the event. The option is up to the artist.

How fast will the art be completed if I win art?
Because its the holiday season and each artist works at a different pace, the art may vary from one week to one month for completion. Please be patient! If you win an art piece by an artist, they will reach out to you via DMs on here to get everything figured out!

What artists are involved?
Noxobus, Ezikaiah, Local_Frog, and xNikitty are the artists involved in the 12 Days of Holidays this year!

I'm excited! When does this start?
The event starts December 12th! On the 12th, the first bulletin will be posted with the two present options and all rules & extra entry rules. Please read through them thoroughly each day they're posted because the rules and extras may change! You will have roughly 24 hours to vote (or a little bit over it but never under it). Once 24 hours is up, the present will be revealed and the winner or winners will be announced. Once they're announced, the next 24 hour present will be posted for all to vote on.
The event run time is estimated to be December 12th - December 24th.

If you can, please try to pass this around and share this! We'd love for everyone to be involved and get some holiday cheer going!


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