Last day on the Unicorn Jam!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by nickyflamingo

Today's the last day in our Unicorn Art and Writing Jam and Raffle!

I will close it when I am online tomorrow December 9th (pacific timezone). That's usually around 10 am. So if you have any last minute things you want to add, sneak it in by then. 

For everyone who contributed art or writing so far, please make sure I replied to your comment by awarding you points for that work:

here (DA) : 


here (TH): 

Important notes:

-If you didn't reply to one of these comments with your art or writing, I don't know it exists/that you want it included so make sure to get it in there by the time I close things to get it counted! If it doesn't make it there by close tomorrow I can't count it! (Sometimes mentions and replies get lost on DA and TH so definitely don't want to miss you!)

-I have not attempted to add up anyone's scores up BUT everyone who has submitted should have got a reply from me with the points awarded for that piece. If I didn't reply to things added prior to now, please poke me via a DM! If it's added after this, I will award points by close tomorrow. 

-I will likely need a few days to double check everyone's scores and get the raffle rolled too because due to change in hospital scheduling I'll be receiving my routine treatment tomorrow afternoon and that usually wipes me out for a couple days so please bear with me and thanks for being patient with my health <3

- Please be a good sport with the other entrants and remember that everyone being supportive of each other and being a good sport it what keeps me running exchanges, raffle, and events. Your enthusiasm and kindness is treasured!

Thanks again everyone, so much excellent art and gifts were made so far, thank you for making this such a vibrant event!


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