massive character purge

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by feyries

im honestly drawing less and less and don't really have much interest in keeping characters, etc.
honestly if you purchase a character for USD i might also offer bundled characters as well depending on what they are & what USD amount as offered. for what im looking for + what i wont accept

folders to look in are very very tent not tent at all

USD > ART > trades (only bundled characters or dreamies)


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unfortunately sunberry isn't ufo. i'd love to trade maplesnow for yarn however ! <3

if you are ever interested in trades for let me know they are an absolute dreamy

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tysm! <3

Are you taking USD offers for either of these two? c:

spcifically for midys they were a custom trade, but for fauna looking at all offers :3

I can offer $20 for Fauna!

Would you take art for Midys? (:

Otherwise I also have just a few characters UFT here:

i'll accept the $20 for fauna <3 my paypal is [email protected]

as far as midys i am a bit picky espcially with trades, i will probably hang on to them to try and see if i connect more now that i consider it !


And no problem, thanks anyway! (:

ofc and sorry about the wait, sending now ! <3

hello! would you consider art offers on 

i would, but i will give a heads up that they are worth a character trade + a squiggle icon, 3 fullbodies, & 2 halfbodies

okay! i can definitely do the 3 fullbodies and 2 halfbodies (in this style) but to cover the cost of a character trade and squiggle icon, perhaps a more scenic fullbody like this or this? let me know if that seems fair to you! i wouldnt mind doing more art as well :)

yeah im fine with that ! i just wanted to make sure you were alright w the amount of art bc i know it can seem a lot HDFCGDHV
 i'd love 1 fb &  hb of her?
1 fb & hb of them?
and then possibly the last fb & scenic of them?

for poses & stuff just go with whatever feels natural. also ofc take your time its a lot of art and im okay with waiting a while. <3
also, let me know if you need any characters changed etc !

i can definitely do so, no characters need to be changed! im actually super thrilled i get to draw pyrite omg i love her

would you like me to send you wips as i go along? also, for the scenic art, is there any preference on scenery? 

im glad !!! pyrite is one of my favorite charactes so i love getting more art of her hehe
as far as the scenic art, anything really works with lilymeadow. truly just anything relaxing/foresty vibes i'd love !
wips are entirely up to you just send them as you remember or want to, etc. i know its. christmas season so truly take your time for the holidays <3

would you accept art offers on either of these two ^v^? i'd honestly love to get them as a pair since they seem to be siblings (but it is okay if not!!)


tysm for your time!

unfortunately i sold pumpkinpaw, but i'd definitely consider art offers !

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just letting you know that you linked the purge profile ! 0:

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wahhh your art is so pretty but i think i will probably consider other offers as im pretty attached to this design kinda and need USD

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how much are you looking for for Sophie? 

I also have some kitties in

That I could totally bundle up for her!

unfortunately im only considering USD offers for sophie outside of dreamies !
sophies value is worth $60+

I can take her for 60! would you be willing to do some trades for Luna as well? I can bundle any characters in that folder. 

unfortunately i didn't see anyone i'd use for trades wise for luna.

and ofc! i'll keep that it mind, im going to take a second on accepting offers at the moment but im super tempted to accept !

Take your time! I also just remembered we had some sketches for a custom from a few months back. I wouldn't mind to continue a custom with you on top of that, but I do think I would like to change a few things from that order. We can continue it in PM if you would like!

ACTUALLY I have way too many characters so I don’t think I should continue the custom .. however I still do want Sophie! So take your time with thinking about it!

2 Replies
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yeah i would! <3

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im fine w just a fullbody :3 since the original design is pretty sketchy
could you do ? 0:

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yeah go for it! and also take ur time <3