Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by Matt

Q: Will you sell/trade/give/gift/accept first borns for your adopts
A: Quick answer is no. Long answer is if you're giving your first borns away, yes I'll take those but you still won't get the adopt xD haha!

Q: Do you BUY from others?
A: Yes I do, especially in the species that I adore. You'd have to show me proof of purchase and that the person who you bought it from is cool with that sort of thing and I WON'T buy it for more than you bought it for.

Q: What species are those?
A: Right now I'm in love with Orcabeasts, they're new so there isn't very many of them, but yes I'd probably cut off a limb or two for some of the others I see around! There's also Marbi, Heartlures, Inkkfoxes they're cute and-- well I mean, too, have a look around my char list, you'll see I'm sure! Those aren't the ONLY ones I love! But they'll give you a good indication. 


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