General Update [ Where I've Been :( ]

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Androys


If anyone has been wondering where I've been the past few weeks, read on to figure it out. I know I like totally disappeared off the internet with NO warning whatsoever so I kinda wanna explain.. 

Basically I've been having issues with my wisdom teeth, they were growing like crazy and I was in a LOT of pain. I didn't want to draw, talk to anyone, anything. So they're FINALLY out but hey, getting 3 teeth pulled out isn't exactly painless afterwards so... yeah. I've been sleeping for days, seriously I've been so agitated and in a lot of pain and have been VERY tired. My mood swings have been crazy, and I've just been really out of wack. I've tried peaking here and there on some socials but god, I just don't feel like talking to anyone and if you know me, thats really just... weird. To make the experience more fun, I've had a stress headache for 2 days was puking my brains out all night..

Anyways there ya go, where I've been and probably where I'll be for the next week. I probably will continue my inactivity from now to who knows when... My mom has plans of coming to my state on the 15th and that's started some huge issues for several parties involved... So, we'll see where that goes... To be honest I'm becoming less than thrilled...


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