Entertaining offers on EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER of mine~

Mainly just looking(offer trades only or vouchers or custom slots maybeee)! I’m almost sure that Tatfiresou’s design(and some others maybe) is going with me to the grave tho lolz

Comment or dm ur offers! (I’ll check em all in the morning hehe)


hello! if this is still open, I'm really interested in your tatfiresou design! I could do this piopuru lineage chow https://chowlingspecies.com/character/C-737 (and maybe try to get this kiddo from your favorites subfolder for you? lmk if you want this!) https://toyhou.se/17802452.ufo

Hi hi!! I really like kintsugi dragon chow but the Tatfiresou design worths quite a lot and I’m still quite connected to him so I’ll pass, tysm for offering tho!

Oooh, I absolutely love this character you've got https://toyhou.se/17267436.-wip-- would this Dainty- plus anyone else from my >toyhouse< interest you for them?

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Ofc! Super sorry for such long delay! I’ve seen the bumps but I was super busy with my final exams so I couldn’t get to reply properly hhh I’ll check our Twitter DMs tomorrow and send u a wip of current process!^^(I’ll have more free time then! Is that okay with you? Also if I forget pls bump it again!!)

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im absolutely in love with ur chowling moth,,,, i would trade just about anyone in my th and would also be willing to do a voucher or customs ! pls lmk ;_; i can provide more design examples n whatnot as well !

Hey atmosphera! ^^ I had a trade with u set up around 6 months ago and I haven't gotten any replies from your TH mailbox nor through pinging your Discord /nm ;; I know you're busy and it's totally fine if you forgot or were unable to continue it (/g), but I was just looking for some update on it since it involves a character you traded/sold/priv'd so I can't complete my side of the trade :"D It was for a custom character trade! Please feel free to shoot me a message through Discord @ FoxAndWolf#1510 as soon as you're able and we can continue the trade when it's best for you ^^ <3

OAOAO GEEZ THANKS FOR BUMPING I completely forgot to reply TT, I’ll check our dms rn!

It's np honestly!! /g I just wanted to see if any of my messages were reaching you! I'm honestly very flexible and I know your queue is very long since your art is just so beautiful /g <3 Just any update at all about when we might be able to continue or what our timeframe might look like would be wonderful! :)

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i really liked this bb you can feel free to look around my th :0 sonas and mascots are off limits 

Hi, intrested in them: 


Maybe someone from here would intrest you: https://toyhou.se/Railfrog/characters/folder:1744497

Or a custom!! Ecamples here: 


I have OCs in my Tentative and UFS folders that you are welcome to look through for Kumba. 😊

Heya, would you mind updating me on the custom? ever since we traded you havent been responding to me ;w; its been a couple months and thats not the issue but you didnt even reply to the custom idea ;w;

OHMYGOD I’m so sorry! I’ll check it out in the morning then(if I forget again bump our conversation again please!!)

no problem, will do! <3 ima write you a message via dc rn since I believe I should be very far down by now haha

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For this guy I could do a voucher?


still offering the voucher for 📻Tbn by clashtsu !!! (or art eofkjwa)

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i’m interested in chai/the vani pom design, and can offer anyone from here!!

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ryo or https://toyhou.se/14634378.-promise or https://toyhou.se/18064883.tbn

I can do up to 5 characters outside truesonas for one of em?