on my status as a character designer

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by surgeviper

hello guys, i just wanted to make a statement regarding my own designs. i have noticed over the past year that my dragons have been increasingly sought after, especially those which happen to be soleiwings. 

firstly, i cannot express enough how much i appreciate the support - selling my artwork has made it possible to buy everyday necessities past my college budget and pet supplies, and my online footprint wouldn’t be what it is now without the help of people who enjoy my artwork. however, popularity also comes with its own issues; namely the prioritization of my designs over others.  i understand personal preference and looking up to someone, but i think it can go too far when the majority of the appeal behind something is simply the designer it’s labeled under. i hope for my work to be enjoyed because of the way it looks, not the name behind it (if that makes any sense). throughout my path as an artist, i have never intended to put down my peers and fellow dragon drawers. in this sense, it‘s disheartening to see cases where people place my work on a pedestal while in turn devaluing the work of other artists. the process of creating artwork requires a lot of time and effort, and to claim my stuff is more valuable than another artist’s just because of the clout behind owning a design by “feltyninja” can be hurtful and harmful.

i think it’s important to consider how we are all people on the other side of the screen; if you saw me walk by on the street, you wouldn’t blink an eye. in reality, i’m a short, incredibly shy, awkward 18 year old with social anxiety problems. arguably, it could be said that i pour most of my time i could've spent hanging out with friends and socializing or doing homework into drawing instead. my level of skill is the result from 15-16 years of honing an interest, not a blessing from birth. i want to reflect this sentiment in my online presence - the last thing i want to be seen as is some authority figure just because i have a follower count in the thousands and am good at drawing. 

that being said, given my current state of recognition, i am admittedly wary about making new friends online at this point due to the risk of someone trying to push a close relationship so they can get free art or leverage a connection with me as a symbol of online clout. but this does not mean i cannot be friendly and exchange casual banter! if there’s anything you’d like to know about me or my art (within reason, please don’t ask me stuff like my address or phone number or to send a selfie LOL) don’t be afraid to ask. in fact, i encourage you to ask if it’s something you’re remotely curious to know, whether that be to clarify something i’ve said, brush recommendations, or how my commissions work, etc.. i see everyone as deserving of kindness and human respect unless proven otherwise. 

anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this, it‘s a ramble but i mostly just wanted to put it out there in public so those who are curious know how i feel. i hope you all have great holidays <3


I’ve seen a lot of people become friends with popular artists just for free stuff and tbh it’s so sickening because you never know who is fake until its too late. I hope this stops happening to you. For now, i am on a hunt for another design and hope to see some great new works from you soon! Happy New Years felty :) 

I have always loved realistic designers because of the detail and anatomical accuracy there is when one imagines what a dragon looks like, and I have loved seeing your style progress over time and develop into such a popular and sought after designer! I only go after designs (from anyone) that I can see myself really connecting to or that fit into a storyline of mine, and I am so very happy I own a design from you that has become one of my most recognizable and frequently used characters: Silverdusk!  From my AP art projects, to DnD campaigns, he has so many appearances that he is in the top 3 of any character I own💖 

No matter the “clout” around a Feltyninja design, I will always support my favorite artist for their hard work.🎨💪

ahh i’m glad to see he’s being used a lot! thank you :o

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ooh yeah, glad to know he’s gone to a good home! :D thank you <3

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yeah!! i think it’s kinda insensitive to group “popular” designers into a monolith bc honestly seeing this stuff happen bothers me a lot. like we’re all artists trying to get by and i hate seeing cases where people treat others like their work won’t amount to mine. pushing people to undersell their work is so scummy whether that be indirect or not, it’s important to recognize the harmful side effects of designer favoritism that forms especially in closed species communities

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thank you!! yeah it sucks to be indirectly involved with this sense of designer hierarchy going on especially in closed species. i hate to see other people getting put down for work that’s had hours and hours poured into it

very well worded, i totally agree. i think online communicaties have an issue with idolization, and art communities are no exception. being put on that pedestal sucks, people hold you to standards you shouldn't b held to and it can result in.. well theft, bad interactions, the whole deal. this totally explains that perfectly. i remember when that was the only thing WoF amino ever did and it was utterly hell for everyone involved. 

in a positive swing though, i think ur art deserves the recognition its getting and i hope none of the ^^^ above happen to u too frequently 

thanks bro 💖 luckily i haven’t had much issue w impersonation or theft (as of yet) but fr some people need to be less chronically online. a lot of my followers are 11-15 and i also remember idolizing people at that age but at some point it needs to be recognized that it’s uncomfortable being given special treatment just bc of internet popularity. like hi guys i appreciate you but also please i just want to fit in and be chill with everyone

god .... 11-15 year olds ...... on the loose... scary

fr tho it sucks, its why a lot of my own personal stuff [like discord servers, mainly] is 16+ bc while chill i feel like theres almost a power dynamic between say someone whos so popular n someones whos still like. looking up to them

This is such a well-articulated and self-aware take. True you’re one of the most thoughtful and kind artists I know with the foothold you have, and it’s very well deserved for your art and designs. Happy holidays!

thank you Mav! :D

This is something so important to consider! Especially within closed species communities, putting people on a pedestal is such an issue and causes a variety of problems, people begin to think popular artists have it easy, when what you mentioned with struggles with close friendships is very true and it sucks. We love u felty regardless of your name/brand! So proud of how far you've gotten 

thank you! yeah i think everything has its advantages and disadvantages, it unsettles me sometimes how much internet popularity can separate people :[

Yeah it does suck, but I guess in some ways it’s like a balancing act like you mentioned with advantages and disadvantages, but in some way with friends, those you do make and who are genuine, would be really strong friends.