Raising Puffbuns (Unipuff MYO)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Krizpie

What Are PuffBuns?

PuffBuns are the baby stage of UniPuffs. Under the right conditions they just.. kind of.. appear. They're about the size of a hamster and nearly impossible to control. Food is the best way to get PuffBuns to do what you want and luckily, it's also how you raise them! Well, now that you have a dozen free, tiny, voracious cotton balls running amok, how do you raise them?


To Raise your PuffBun to adolescence

Only one bun will be counted per image! 


At least one image must include current season. This changes the item pool and only your real life season in your hemisphere should be used

**PuffBuns are babies! What kind of supplies does your baby PuffBun prefer? Binky, bottles, diapers, blankets, toys?
**Babies need a lot of sleep.. Where does your PuffBun like to sleep? Does it have a favorite thing to sleep with?
**YOUR PUFFBUN IS HONGRY!! UniPuffs prefer sweet treats. Does your Bun like fruit or baked goods or just goes hog wild in the raw sugar?
**Some babies are social and some prefer to keep to themselves. Is your PuffBun Social or a loner? 

Figure Only -  50g, no item roll 
Figure + Simple BG - 100g + Item roll 
Figure + Environment - 100g + 2 item rolls

Sketches are acceptable as long as they are colored


Adult Molting Potion

Now that your Bun has reached adolescence she should be big and old enough to start learning some skills! However learning to be an adult isn't the only thing needed to bring your Bun to maturity. You will also need to acquire the proper ingredients to create a Molting Potion so help her shed that baby fluff and get a big enough nutrient boost to push her into adulthood!

**These guys are GROUCHY! WHY is your adolescent PuffBun being a grouch
**Does your UniPuff have any friends? What do they do together? Gross teenager stuff?
**Oh lord they've locked themselves in their room... Where is their room? In a tree? In a house? Under a bed? What's in their room? Do they like simple things or is it just a bloody MESS
**It's time for the ppoootttiiiooonnn. Are they excited or scared? Are they helping you make it? Are they hiding from you?

Figure Only -  50g, no item roll 
Figure + Simple BG - 100g + Item roll 
Figure + Environment - 100g + 2 item rolls

Sketches are acceptable as long as they are colored
Remember those items you've been collecting? Now it's time to put them to use! 

Common Molting Potion - any 3 potion items. 
Faerie Molting Potion - At least 1 Faerie Berry, and 4 potion ingredients (5 total) 
Wooly Molting Potion - At least 1 first fallen snowflake, 5 potion ingredients. (6 total) 

If you finish all the images and end up short on items, you may purchase the58816765_NAY7wzOHv2GHsZQ.pngm From The Shoppe or you can continue to draw for additional item rolls


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