Unwanted Fantrolls?

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by HoneysuckleRose

Hey everyone! I'm looking to spend a little bit of Christmas cash on some fantrolls/fankids that maybe some people no longer want? Also Willing to do designs/art trades! Lmk if you have any kiddos you're willing (or desperate) to part with and I'll see if I have space for them somewhere ^^!


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Oh how lovely! I love this designers stuff it's always so fun ^^ 

What were you looking for?

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I don't think I could do 15 :(

Thank you for your offer though!

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Oh thank you for the offer! Do you have a key for the bottom one so I can see them?

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I have a bit of a list! But I'm fine with money and/or design/art trades! 

These ones have been sitting in my sale/trade folder for a while!





For those that are just busts I'm willing to redesign them/give them full body chibi references!

I'm open for offers on most of these other then Fregio, Felvus, and Eterea being the only hard no's! 


Oooh I would be interested in Vesker and Modyas?

Sure! I originally bought Vesker for $15 and got Modyas for $5(cuz he was a extra) so together I wouldn't mind selling them for $20 or some art instead! 

I'd be willing to do some art! What were you looking for?

I'd love some art of these two! 


And his mutant Kismisis https://toyhou.se/18076256.driizo-doztac

You can draw them together or seperate  I don't mind! I'm not picky

Okie Dokie! I'll try and get some art done of them as soon as possible ^^


Here you are!! The actual picture I went with Chibis to be safe, but I included a second meme picture for you? LMK what you think! 

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Oooh thank you for the offers! ^^

Ahh thank you! I love so many of these designs! 

Could I please get Tukria, Jajaun, Daikin, Deodre and the fuschia?

Whoop I think you replied to the wrong comment

Ahhh you're right im so sorry!

If there's anyone here you like, you can just have em for free <3

Ahh thank you! I love so many of these designs! 

Could I please get Tukria, Jajaun, Daikin, Deodre and the fuschia?

For sure! <3 I'll send them over

I have a few here I've been considering parting with for a while!

Oooh how much would you be willing to part with Shimoe for?

$25 since that's the amount I paid for her!

Would you be willing to do a trade/art? 

Potentially? Lmk an art type and quantity you have in mind or a folder/tag you'd like me to look through and I can consider it!

Well what would you like most? Like for example I could give you two icons for your trolls, I usually charge 15 a pop for them- 



But I could so something else too!

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Oooh! I would be interested in Ekelra and Lilett! 

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Hi!! Sorry for the delayed response it's been a real hectic new years haha! 

I saw that you separated out the characters and that you have some offers there? That's okay with me if someone else wanted them. I did take a full week to get back to you!

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Perfect! I'll take her ^^

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