Ending my Vacation early

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by ParadoxVault

So I've been on vacation since the 17th and I was going to take it until the 1st however
I'm getting board of doing nothing...so while I'm still on vacation meaning work is going to take a backseat I'm semi-coming back because I have NO idea what to do with myself!


You can do your personal projects? Like work on it, etc.

Binge watch everything lol

Not much I wanna watch and I have been working on personal projects but I get board working on the same thing for to long OTL

Mmm, read manga that got the chance to read? Or browse the web about weird and funny stuff?

:P I have been doing both oddly. I've been reading the One Piece manga before bed :3 like I said I'm still on vacation in terms of commissions but I might work on adopts since I can do those without having to stress about deadlines

That good! This vacation will help you wind down and relax. Oh yes! How is your DnD campaign going?

Enjoy your vacation lol. 

It's been going good :3 we put a pause on it until the new year but I've been setting up a new TTRPG one shot so thats been fun

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