Random facts about my ocs-

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by MissFireWolf

taking a break from the icons fhjfdhs


  • Rei would 100% hits his antlers on doors and anything small places cuz their antlers are so huge- he's careful around door but sometime he forgots and then- *bonks*
  • Miss, Rae and Ophelia if they had tattoos:
    - Miss': would totally get the SA survivor sword tattoo from Fine_Hades (check their tiktok/insta they do cool tattoo designs-) on one of the wrist
    - Rae: the blue life is strange butterfly either on a ankle or on the shoulder blade? idk
    - Ophelia: roses and thorns on half a shoulder/arm :D
  • Miss' and Lucy do sometimes some little mock fight with their antlers, like deer would :D - Miss' would often win as she's bigger in general
  • Keeping her second form is can be painful for Miss', so when she's alone or around people she's really comfortable with, she goes back to her true form :D -(little bit like Masking/Unmasking)
  • Toffe ans Cinn are half-sisters, same mom, different dad!
  • Akyris is like i wrote, the incarnation of my anger and some trauma, when i was younger i would draw a sort of aggressive alter version of my sona who would protect her because she coulln't do it herself djhd
  • Angel Fall was at first based with Illska being a recent fallen angel due to his best friend Adriel slipped out some secret info, then her going on earth to get him back but Illska refused, angry at her- then changed my mind and based a new story on the same universe of the Books Covenant by Jennifer L. Armentrout but then changed again to smth else, but still have worldbuilding based on the books- but never worked on it again rip
  • Burning Bridges wasn't supposed to named like that as it was a placeholder but i really like it now hfjdshfd
  • BB is totally based on minecraft smp, don't judge hfjdshsdj not fully of the dsmp cuz i haven't fully watched it (and i don't like dream so it's kinda hard to follow hfjhsd) 
  • also! Zack, now azael got a small redeisgn, you will see his anthro design once i post the icons, just to say the making will be also visible on his AU humanoid form, but won't reveal his species and background as it's spoiler :D


OMG I love oc funfacts *consumes them all*

Love the idea of Miss and Luciana fighting for fun with their antlers!! That'd be so fun to watch nfjvdfgrb

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I could write so much more but I keep being distracted by anything else fjfjdxidhz

Ooh of course she would have a raven tattoo <3