happy new year’s eve!!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by batzy

happy new year’s eve!! 

im not,, necessarily nervous about the new year but also  not excited. im just ready for a fresh start!!

it’ll take me a bit to get used to writing /23 instead of /22, but alas… i cannot really control whether or not i get to 22 or 23.

anyways!! i made a fun drawing (that took me much longer than i wanted it to) in order to congratulate myself for pulling through this year. thank you to all my goofy interests and obsessions that helped me in the best of times and the worst!!

also, an obvious congratulations to the rest of you, too, for also getting through the year.  congrabulations comrads!!!

(vvv snskjdj it’s really big sorry idk how to shrink it ;v;;


featuring mikey (rottmnt), sunny (fnaf sb), cole (ninjago), sans (undertale) and dj cookie (cookie run)!!! and ofc also my sona, aurora :]]

(the sizes are so off but we’ll like #ignore that 😎)

anyways mm sorry if this bulletin is kinda drag or rambly, i just wanted to make one XD uhh do any of you guys have any new year’s resolutions?


ayyy happy new year!!

my resolution is to get morphie to the front page when u sort by images!! theyre like,, halfway there lol

BAH it always amazes me with how many images morphie has!!! slay morphie slayy 

merry new year tho :DD

love the art!! if i feel like it i may also make an art piece for new years lol

my new years resolution is to get walrus to 100 images, along with focusing more on them in general ^^

>:000 yo awesome!! i bet walrus’ll get there!! i beblive in ur art talent and power to do that rahhh

a.so ya!! saw your ideas about giving them more forms n whatever’s… sounds super cool!! i’m excited to see how walrus grows and develops over the coming year!!