Autho only

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Sweetlittlelies

Hello people!! Sorry to say but I'm going autho only for like most of my ocs, I got some people liking my characters that tend to steal designs and all and for safety I hide them

If you want to get autho ask me and I'll think about it, really, but know that my friends have priority over that

Thank you everyone 


Can I be auth'd please? :0 If i havent been already!!! 

You should been aitho now!

Thank you!!!

i would love to :3

Ehehe you're already autho bestie UWU 

omg :0 <3

could i be autho ? and jeez i am so sorry that is happening to you as much and can understand on why you want to keep them hidden.

You're already autho! ♥️♥️

And yeah sadly that's a thing that happens so 

ah alright yes *smiles*

yeah that is one reason why i have my stuff on autho since worried about people trying to steal or fully copy off them.