I had an odd dream

i was at the store buying splatoon 4 For some reason, i was at CLAIRE’S they don’t even SELL GAMES. there was only one in stock 

then a video started playing from somewhere 

It was called hyper truncated spheroid.
it was a low-ish quality video, i’d say the same quality as outside in But the background was a dull blue. It was this weird looking 3D shape, an orange saddle shaped thing was then inserted into it and the whole thing began inverting and music started playing. Something similar to this https://youtu.be/IxgVjATaj4U

I’m not really sure how a video about a shape scared me enough for me to remember it? but i was pretty sure it was a real video i had watched so i searched for it but it doesn’t exist 

Long story short I woke up wanting to buy splatoon 3 so i’m gonna walk to the store and buy it because I don’t have Amazon Prime and don’t wanna wait til Tuesday 


Splatoon 4 claire’s

Splatoon 4 claire’s

Splatoon 4 claire’s