
Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Kyorinrin

Blacklist: (Do not give any of my designs to these people, doing so will result in block and blacklist. I dont support witch hunting or harassment of anyone on this list! Leave people alone and let them sort out issues between themselves maturely)

T0HRUS0CS/SystemBlogging/Snowy_Night/CHUCKYD0LL/SW33TA0I/KaidonKingdom: offered on a character with multiple characters they didn’t own and not equal to base worth along with doll maker ocs and MYO vouchers they never stated were already used (I looked through the profile and the only species that were the same had the same traits as the voucher but no links or even claims on it that it was used), looked through their profile and they have changed their username 5 times in the span of four months, changed their profile warning within a day of the offer and posted bulletins about deleting the account and making a new main they aren’t publicly sharing to get away from drama that “keeps happening“, before they changed their profile they also had to state excessively through warnings and their bio that they don’t deal with drama. I don’t trust like that 😰

lil_vamp_princet/Bunnybroj: offering on multiple ocs with their whole acc (multiple times, not all at once) and for the ones agreed to trade for, has either sent them to other people with no follow-up notice and deleted previous comments or just deletes all the comments after I agreed to trade them. Has blamed this on being ”scatter-brained” on each occasion when I confronted them, though I’ve looked at their profile comments and multiple times and others have publicly stated that they seem scammy and have also offered multiple characters to others for trades and not sent their half while sending the offered characters to other people instead. if you ever see any of my ocs on their profile please tell me immediately.

Hostel/femboyve/tboygf/yvepilled: refers to themself as a tboy, tgirl bait, and a transmasc d*ke (uncensored, they’re Nonbinary and he/they prn user). Nothing personal between us but I just don’t feel comfortable being associated with someone who does that..


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