Autobuy Ticket Raffle (OPEN)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by greenieispoop

Decided to do something fun before I decide to disappear into the abyss for a while lmao

As you know I'm selling my characters, but I thought I'd run a raffle for a chance at winning a character from my sale folders for free! I got a few banger designs that qualify for the autobuy tickets, so hopefully you'll be interested! Characters in question can be found here.



How To Enter:

Leave a comment on this bulletin to let me know you're entering! (+1 entry)

Include which troll you're interested in the most. (+1 entry)

More Raffle Ticket Opportunities:

Favorite my baby (+1 entry) (if you already have her favorited let me know and I'll award you an entry!)

Share this bulletin to your friends/followers. (+2 entries)

Draw my baby (entries awarded by quality, as low as 5 and as high as 20)

Purchase a troll from the sale (+5 entries per purchase, only qualifies on characters more than 5$; limit 20 entries/4 trolls purchased)

Raffle will end on February 6th and winners will be announced that day. Prizes currently include:

1 Autobuy Ticket for a character 40$ or less

1 Autobuy Ticket for a character 20$ or less

More prizes may be awarded in the future if enough people join

See a troll you really want but don't want to risk them selling out before the raffle ends? See this bulletin to buy them now!

Characters will NOT be held during the raffle, so if they're sold before the raffle ends, the ticket cannot be used to purchase them.

Other questions? Feel free to dm me! Good luck!


commented, any troll is fine but oveena is super baby, favorited jylora, ive drawn jylora before ( i dont know if this counts mb ) , bulletin should be on my page

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Entering! I'm most interested in Soniet or Wulcox I think I've already favorited Jylöra aaand I'm purchasing that olive blooded fellow : >

Hey! Thank you so much for entering! Your entries are 24, 25, (basic criteria) 26, (fave) 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 (purchased 1 character)

Thank u! : D

entering!  i left a list of trolls i was interested in on the other bulletin, but the one i'm Most Interested in is probably......... Felise :0

of course i've already favorited Jylöra, i love her!

if/when i purchase any other trolls, i'll be sure to leave a comment on this one for more entries :0

Hey! Thank you so much for entering! Your entries are 21, 22, (basic criteria) 23 (fave)

making a note pre-raffle that i'm attempting to purchase Urahsa, which would be extra entries as well.

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Hey! Thank you so much for entering! Your entries are 1, 2, (basic criteria) 3, (fave) 4, 5, (bulletin) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (purchased 3 characters)

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