Update: My father passed away

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by CosmonautaDJ

Hi everyone, I've been wanting to do this update since before but I honestly didn't feel good so I kept postponing it so let me get straight to the point:

My father passed away on January 20th, he fought cancer as long as he could and although it has been painful, at least I'm glad that he is no longer suffering from such a horrible disease.
I'm not in my best but I'll do everything possible to resume to my work rhythm because I still have to take care of being a support for the rest of my family and myself
I want to thank everyone who has commissioned me and who has trusted in my work so far, thanks to you I was able to help pay for a big part of my father's treatment while he need it and that allowed him to spend another year with us so my family and I are very thankful for that
I hope you can continue supporting my work if it is still to your liking and I hope to bring more new things this year
I'll try to do my best and bring some little extras to the people I owe art just as a little extra 'Thank you' for their big patience and huge support

I think is all for the moment, please take care

pd: Sorry if my english is even more rough that the usual, I have been in problem focusing on things sometimes


Un abrazo fuerte, Cosmo. Descansa, toma tu tiempo y cuida a todos los que quieres. No te apresures

Muchas gracias Yepiz, de verdad lo aprecio mucho 

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Thank you so much for your kind words. I'll make sure to take care of myself and my family