On the Subject of the AK PSA

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by YoctoCrunch

Welp, I'm sure a bunch of you guys knew I was going to make a bulletin about this. I'm not the type to comment on drama, but this is something I can't ignore. Recently, a PSA has been released about one of my longtime mutuals, AK-tastic. I encourage anyone who has ever enjoyed his work to give it a read: https://toyhou.se/~forums/5867.service-reviews/374919.psa-on-ak-tastic

I am truly appalled and disgusted by AK's behavior. I've always known he was a controversial figure who created questionable content, but I never knew the extent of his crimes went so far as grooming children and killing animals. However, I won't act like I'm surprised. I suspected something like this would eventually come out about him, considering his personality and past behavior. Despite the fact that my username is listed on his friends list, I and AK were never friends. He's just an artist I met on Tumblr in the FNAF fandom. We don't talk to each other over DMs. I think over the 9 years we've been following each other, I've only had 2-3 actual conversations with him. I never got close to him because of all the red flags he had, which is why this PSA isn't that shocking to me. I do not condone any of his abhorrent actions.

AK, if you're reading this, remove me from your profile immediately. I never want to be associated with you again.


Yikes. I'd never heard of this person until now. Good to know o,o

YEAH... not the best user you want to be around. Glad I could inform you!

Never heard of this guy but thanks for the info!

No problem! Hopefully, this will prevent any more victims. 

Oh shit this is fucking disgusting, thank you so much for sharing the psa ive been following him for a while and eyeing some of the ocs ufo but i dont want to be associated attal with him now on learning this-  

Augh yeah, it's a shame. I hope he's able to get the help he needs.