Art Break (important)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by E0NBREAK

HI FRIENDS. I'm going to be trying to take a break from art for the time being due to a lot of factors in my life rn. I haven't been doing the best lately and art has only been adding to my stressors sadly 😭 and plus I am starting to realize that drawing is Physically hurting me quite a bit so I need to take a breather so I don't accidentally cause something permanent.

If I owe you art at all please please be patient with me 😭 I will try to get to you soon but I really need to rest for right now...thank you for understanding!


dont get carpal tunnel..... :( i will draw eon and spy for you

omg...i would hug you if you did but DW im not at extreme risk rn, as long as I stretch before/after drawing and take breaks I should be fine

i did already teehee also GOOD.... dont end up like me lol both of my wrists at the moment are probably at high risk because they hurt to even move them :skull:

WHAAAT crazy...and also I am sorry to hear that 😭 please rest your wrists as well wrist pain is horrible as hell

i knooooooooooooowwww my mom keeps telling me that too lol 

but drawing is too fun :P

hru btw?


I AM...really tired TBH my period started today so I'm like


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😭 THANK YOU, I actually finished the last of what I owe like an hour ago just cause it was stressing me out...LMAO. But I will try my best to rest for now

Hey, you do you! Your health comes first!

thank you! 😭 i really need to give both me and my hand a break LOL