New icon? Thoughts?

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Grzybowt

I feel as though the Maddie era is taking a hiatus so I can focus on other characters. I really like this drawing of Franky so I figured it'd be a good replacement. What do you guys think?


My thoughts are: I definitely feel like this gives an accurate look into the sorts of themes and content of your art

and it also does freak me out a bit, the head tilted down eye contact + the nosebleed makes for an intense experience, so if you are genuinely worried about intimidating people in a negative way or turning people away that's something to keep in mind, especially since people can see your icon on the forums or in people's following/followed by lists even if you have a profile warning up

IF you are concerned about people who may feel uncomfortable seeing that and blocking you to avoid seeing a nosebleed with intense eye contact, that's something to keep in mind. And if that possibility doesn't bother you, keep rocking it because my first point still does stand.

so cool!!!


YES 🙏 you soooo get me

I saw the uploaded image before seeing it was your new icon and I thought wow can I favorite an image. I think I can but I forgot

OMG yeah you can fav images. I drew it a few days ago and completely forgot about it till today


Love the color palette, the face staring at me is intimidating (in a positive way, i like the expression).

Muahahaha… I hope it doesn’t intimidate people in a negative way !!! I quite like it tbh

i think it's cool!