♪ Dream Journal 2/17/2023 ♪

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by SonieTheDog

This dream started off kinda weird. Like the first half of it was a  totally different dream than the last. I remember I had to walk to  wallmart to pick up some groceries, but when I got there the store only  had three bags left. Bags as in the shitty plastic bags you get when  checking out. Because there were three left and three customers the  clerk gave each of us a single bag and told us we could buy whatever fit  inside. For some reason I needed bananas and pudding, so I finangled a  bunch of bananas in the bag and shoved pudding inside and bing bang boom  I got my stuff and started the looooong walk home

For whatever reason I was going to my mom's house, and the wallmart by  her place is like an hour walk and half of it is directly uphill. During  this long looong walk it began to rain and all the dirt I was walking  on turned to mud, which immedeatly made things that much more difficult.  It took FOREVER to walk all the way back up there, but on the bright  side on my way there I encountered my old friend Jessi. We both talked  while walking up the hill to mom's house and eventually after what felt  like hours we made it inside.

So I guess during the span of this dream it was my birthday? Mom was  talking about how worried she was because I was taking so long and that  we were going to be late. We were headded to a resturant because they  apparently offered free food if you could prove it was your birthday. I  can't remember what place we went to so I'm just going to say Dairy  Queen because it makes the most sense. At Dairy Queen while we were  waiting in line I noticed that you had to fill out an online form before  getting your birthday freebie so I intentionally slowed down the line  to fill out the form beforehand. It also wasn't a "freebie". Instead the  deal was that if it was your birthday you could get anything on the  menu you wanted for $3. Entire order $3. So we each ordered a milkshake  and then my mom ordered 3 dozen donuts. I remember the clerk commenting  on if any of these were for the "birthday boy" (not a boy?) and I butted  in saying no, they were most likely for her students because she does  that for parties and stuff.

This is where the dream starts shifting from part one to part two. We  get all our food and while I'm eating my milkshake the cashire comes  over to me asking if I want to take a quiz. Apparently the DQ was giving  out Miraculous Ladybug themed toys and the quiz was to see what  character you were. Both me and Jessi took the quiz. She got Adrian and I  got Chat Noir and we both laughed because they were the same person.  Everything past that point before part 2 of the dream got fuzzy, but I  remember walking home alone in the dark in the rain all giddy. Then?? I  don't know

start of part two I'm suddenly back home and I am Chat Noir. I am not me  anymore, but I still act like me and have my memories. I was at the  Agrest mansion like I would be as that character just sorta bumming  around when suddenly hawkmoth appears. IDK why I was chat noir and not  adrian but I guess me as Chat just being inside the house was enough to  tip off hawkmoth that I was him. Like?? Why would a superhero and a  supervillain both coincidentally be lounging around the same house like  they owned the place if they weren't both living there?

Hawkmoth began to chase me so I leaped out the window and we had a wild  chase throughout the streets of paris. It was bright and sunny and nice  outside now. A really nice day to be running for my life, ya know?  Eventually I'm kinda cornered in this canal type area that leads into a  concrete square pool that's like 12 feet deep. While inside Hawkmoth  uses the super fancy ultra magic BS and turns into the ice version of  himself. He then gets me under the water and freezes the surface so  there's no way I can escape.

Now suddenly I'm ladybug who's been trying desperetly to catch up to  these two the entire time. By the time I get there it's been minutes  since Chat was trapped under the water. since I, as ladybug, had access  to all the Kwami power ups I turned myself into aquabug and dove into  the water; breaking the surface of the ice as I did.  But I didn't just  rescue Chat Noir, oh no. Instead, while still under the water, I gave  him his own aqua power up so he could breathe and then instructed him to  stay down there.

So returning to the surface I told Hawkmoth that his son was dead  (Because I guess Ladybug suddenly knows who Chat is now). I then YELLED  at him asking what the hell he thought was going to happen if he trapped  someone underwater and what the hell his plan was. I guess his plan was  to simply wait until Chat passed out before taking him to the surface  to get his miraculous. But I "butted in" too soon and?? Yeah no I have  no clue what the fuck was going on in his mind.

Knowing he'd just killed his son Hawkmoth suddenly got like... Super  depressed. Which makes sense. He only wanted the miraculous to revive  his dead wife. Now his son is also dead, what the hell is he gonna do  now? He super depresso ran away and knowing this was my one chance to  get the moth miraculous back I followed him rather than explaining my  plan to Chat Noir.

I followed Hawkmoth back to his mansion which in the span of my dream  had way more floors and rooms than it actually does. He was up in the  book room/library/study thing? It was like an MC Esher painting with how  wild the layout was. Like, bookshelves extending onwards to infinity,  twisting and turning to create these elaborate noodle-like archways that  spanned all over us. And then there were inexplicable floating  platforms with stairs leading up to them that had no supports or railnig  or anything. It was trippy, but I managed to find him after walking up  one of the staircases. He was on this plaftorm that had a mini library  on it with a nice couch and fireplace and everything.

Once again I asked him what the hell he was thinking, and he could only  say he didn't even know anymore. He was so blinded by his original goal  that he wasn't going to let anything stop him from getting what he  wanted, even at the cost of his son's life. I told him he had royally  fucked up and that now the only way to fix things was to return his  miraculous and give his plan up. We got SUPER deep with eachother while  talking and I honestly wish I could remember the conversation word per  word but I can't.

As a quick aside, I'd like to mention that any time any of the  Miraculous characters (aside from myself) swore I'd pull out my phone  and text my friend Sora about this "Crazy new episode" I was watching  where hawkmoth said fuck or shit or hell or whatever. It was a very  weird fourth wall break. But I digress

At this point Chat, who was very much alive, has caught up with me. He  heard the coversation we werre having and caught on to the fact he had  to be "dead", but he caught on a biiiiit too late. While trying to sneak  further up the stairs past hawkmoth he saw Chat's tail and immedeatly  took back everything he'd just said to me. He was now FURIOUS that I'd  do something like this to him just to get his miraculous, saying I was  just as bad as him. Luckily for me, this is when things clicked for Chat  and he managed to slink away before being seen by Hawkmoth.

Now for those of you who haven't seen the show here's a brief lore  tidbit to make the next bit make sense. The costume granted to a  Miraculous holder kinda just turns into whatever their heart desires,  hence no two people looking the same even with the same power. In one  episode Adrian gives up being Chat Noir because blah blah love blah  blah. But rather than giving his Miraculous to someone else, he wills  himself into having a different costume/identity and turns into someone  he dubbs Cat Walker. Chat Noir, Adrian, and Cat Walker are all the same  person, just with a different look/identity. Got it? Cool, dream  continues now.

So right before getting caught Noir turns himself into Cat Walker and  kinda plays it off as him being a new Miraculous holder because,  obviously, the previous one died. Hawkmoth goes through the seven stages  of grief in a split second as he realises that his son is not alive and  that this is someone different (as far as he knows). Seeing that I was  telling the truth and broken by everything that happened he decides to  join forces with me. Not to give up his miraculous, but to use his  powers for good from now on under my instruction. Cool, whatever,  Ladybug ain't down for that. I let him join me, but my plan is still to  take his miraculous away as soon as I can

The dream once again starts getting fuzzy here. I remember in a weird  attempt to get his miraculous back I took Hawkmoth to this... Retirement  home type place? There we encountered the current holder of the peacock  miraculous which, by the way, is not a real character in the show. She  was some super old woman wearing one of those fluffy fur jackets and a  huuuuuge feather boa. I brought him there because both the peacock and  moth miraculous had been used for evil for so long he had to be taught  how to use it for good. Of course, peacock lady was filled in to  everything going on and was down to help me steal it.

This lady cooked up some wild story about a villain off on the other  side of the globe who had much more sinister plans than he ever had.  This person was looking to totally end the world. As such, he had to  akumatize Cat Walker with some special ability in order to put an end to  this dude. It was a mix of traveling a vast distance and being able to  breathe underwater, among other things. In reality there was no baddie  anywhere else. We were simply trying to dupe him into making Cat so  powerful he could steal the miraculous back.

Cat Walker gets transformed and now I'm suddenly him again. Or the dream  swaps to his perspective or something, I have no idea. I, as Cat  Walker, was also fooled by this false plan and just... Yeeted myself  halfway across the globe looking for this fake bad guy. But GASP! There  actually WAS another villlain! IDK what his name was, but it was this  weird starry looking dude with the symbol of the sun and moon on him.  His outfit was like half blue half orange to look like a solar eclipse  or something. He was trying to steal the power of the stars by bringing  the stars TO him, and in the sky I could see like 8 different suns  because he was literally ripping the stars out of the sky and causing  them to rapidly crash down towards earth. I knew this would be the end  of the world so I tried to get back to Ladybug as fast as possible and  shortly after


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