
Welcome to my page and sorry for the mess, sweeps it under the rug rq.

Due to creepy people who have decided to look at my characters to either steal or stalk me, I have made the difficult decision to hide all of my character's images except for a thumbnail preview of their faces; just so the designers have the ability to know where their designs are. I'm sorry to those who have not created this issue, but I no longer feel as if I can trust mere strangers characters that I hold near and dear to my heart. This was a hard decision on my part because I love sharing my art and characters, but there are some really not nice people out here that seem to have an issue with me for 0 reason. I'm tired, anxious, and don't want them looking at my things anymore. 

My images/full character tabs are only seeable by Authorized users. AKA, people I can trust not to be creeps, friends, family, the etc. Apologies!

If you for any reason feel as if you should be authorized, or need to be, please PM me so we can work it out :] ciao!


Tbh this is so valid Mo