Early-Bird MYO - Last Chance Raffle!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Kevindish
Early-Bird MYOs, Last Call Raffle!
The giveaway's done, with some last-second slots FCFS!

Our Early-Bird MYO Giveaway to celebrate the world's launch may be over, but all's not lost if you missed it!

10 more MYOs will be raffled off to any newcomers that comment on this journal!

If you've got a friend who missed the event, or just wanna share this raffle, please do!

To give some time compared to the pretty quick parent event, this raffle will last for one week, ending on the 25th!

It's equal-chance, so each entrant is only counted once. Good luck to everyone!


Comment below to enter!


Is this still open?

Sorry, unfortunately the winners were just rolled about an hour ago ><

We do have a premade raffle on our World's main page though if you're interested!

Oh... alright ^^'

hopefully im not too late, but would love to enter :0

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I'd like to enter please <3

i'd love to enter!! :]

I'd like to enter the raffle please!! Thanks for the opportunity :>>

aaaa these guys look so cute! I'd love to enter <3

OHHH these are adorable, my goodness.

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Would love to enter!

Entering!! All of the chances to make more creechurs >:)



Entering and excited!

Entering!! Ahhhh

Entering šŸ„³

I'd love to enter, these are so adorable :O

May I enter? These creatures are so cute!,

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may I enter? Ā 


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ooo id love to enter!!!