how do i art

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by grimwolf35

litersally what the fuck is wrong w ith my art😭ive been sick for 2 fking weeks im gonna die HELP


DUDE i think your art and designs are actually sick 🥺 your style is actually so gorgeous you have a certain way of like stylising everything and it looks so good?? I understand like the struggle with liking ur art and everything and i know someone telling u that isn’t necessarily gonna fix ur own problem with ur art since u dont see what others see 🥺 but i think its awesome !! If u do get stuck experimenting is always the way to go !!! I love seeing what u make :D 


omg i just woke up because of a coughing fit,, tysm for the comment 😭😭 i need to get better soon so i can draw again

Dude im wishing u so much luck rn and hopefully you do feel better soon 🥺 being ill and trying to do art is like one of the worst things ever so hopefully it doesnt last too long !!! It sound awful though i do really hope it starts getting betttr🥺


why are my designs so bad