+++ UFO Characters +++

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by ChubbyTrashPanda

anyone with the UFO tag is available! and you can also check out my random designs

i am looking for money or trade (maybe art)

i am looking for:

  1. clowns/circus
  2. ocean/beach/pirates
  3. humans/humanoids
  4. creepy/horror
but maybe i also like other things!

I'm definitely not looking for:
  1. closed species
  2. custom


I'd probably first start with seeing if you like anyone I got 

Here's my general trade folder (just means it's unfiltered for things you might not like) 


As well as these two 



i liked Lutz design, but i probably never use them

but I liked this one too: https://toyhou.se/14373886.larry-uft-s

No worries Lutz is a really fun design I also just ended up not quite using him myself 

Would you part with this guy for 


For Larry? 

i am tentative with them, but i accept trade for larry

would you be less tenative for this design here?


sure, I would trade it easier ehuahaha

5 Replies

rlly love these 3!: 1 2 3 (especially 2)

does anyone here interest you?

unfortunately no one caught my eyes

Hello! Anyone here without emojis or in the Forever folder? I also have characters on Buggy_Sales and SluttyMoth 

I'm interested in these babes:

Absolute Babe

I'm interested in tbe first and last babe.

you have some good designs but none that i would use, so a prefer keep them

Heya! anyone in here might interest you for this design or for one of these guys? (:O

I can offer art as well ^-^ - examples 

I also have some guys in here (not sure if they’d interest you but) the specials folder is off limits :)

i can trade one of them for this one: https://toyhou.se/7125553.yuriko

Sure! Id trade her for them!

ok! i will transfer them

Sent her over!

thanks ^^

Yooo anyone in my toyhouse interest you? I absolutely adore this fella! X3 (Only off limits is atlas pogo knives pines babe billy hex muttley and wannabe) I can do multiples or add on art https://toyhou.se/3841138.blackbird

Deal! Sending now!

thanks! sending mine as well

Anytime! Have a good day/night!

Does anything in here https://toyhou.se/Cold/characters/folder:260448 (including the folder inside of this folder) interest you for the feline design from here? https://toyhou.se/9098227.random-designs/gallery#61084935

i really liked this one: https://toyhou.se/1228845.-

Ah i am a bit tentative on that one are they the only one you liked?

unfortunately yes

Ah okay thanks for atleast looking at my offer!

no problem ^^