might move accs,,,,

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by BxnnyGutz

erm idk if anyone here cares abt m existence but,, due to mental issues m probz gna b movin accs.. getting on this one makes me wna throw up lol,,
my new acc will probably contain a lot of v dark, heavy themes , ive been coping through art a lot lately jfhdjsb

nd , if , by any fuckin chance /u/ see this,,, fuck off.


If you need a code, lmk!! Sorry stuff isn't goin well :(

i have a bunch but tysm !! nd thank u again jfbdjsb m jst tryin m best to get through it !! nfnds

OK, PHEW!! And I'm going to be cheering for you!! AAH!!