georhge dostn like salmon

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by glowie

should he have eatren the salomn

3 Votes YESW
0 Votes no its fiune

this is about gerige i asked chatgpt to write this!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Once upon a time, in a quaint little British village, there lived a man named George. George was a proud Brit who loved his country, its culture, and its food. However, there was one particular dish that he just couldn't stand - salmon.

Now, it's not that George didn't like seafood. In fact, he was quite fond of fish and chips, and he loved the occasional plate of prawns. But something about salmon just didn't sit right with him. Maybe it was the pink color, or the oily texture, or the strong fishy taste. Whatever it was, George just couldn't bring himself to enjoy it.

Despite his distaste for salmon, George often found himself invited to fancy dinner parties where the dish was a staple on the menu. He would try to politely decline, but his hosts would always insist, saying things like "But it's so good for you, George!" or "You've just never had it cooked right before!".

One day, George was invited to a dinner party at the home of a very wealthy and influential man in the village. He knew he would be expected to eat the salmon, and he didn't want to offend his host. So, he came up with a plan. He would pretend to eat the salmon, but really he would discreetly push it around his plate and hope nobody noticed.

As the meal began, George watched nervously as the salmon was brought out. It was served with a rich cream sauce and garnished with fresh dill. The other guests raved about how delicious it looked and eagerly dug in. George tried to do the same, but as soon as he took a bite, he knew he was in trouble.

The oily texture and strong fishy taste were just too much for him. He knew he couldn't swallow it, but he didn't want to spit it out and cause a scene. So, he discreetly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cloth napkin. He coughed loudly, making it seem like he was choking, and then discreetly spit the salmon into the napkin.

Luckily, nobody noticed, and the rest of the meal went off without a hitch. George was relieved and swore to himself that he would never again accept an invitation to a dinner party where salmon was on the menu.

And so, George lived the rest of his life happily, avoiding salmon whenever possible and enjoying all of the other wonderful foods that his beloved Britain had to offer.


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