February 28th Update

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by toonilumi

Happy end of February!

Ah February, so little time to do so much. Right now, I'm on Spring Break, which SHOULD give me more time to work on this... but I prefer to spend this time working on art and whatnot. Because I have a lot to do, and spring is a REALLY hectic season for me in terms of real life, so that usually means most of this has to be put on the backburner since there really isn't a deadline. But that's not to say I haven't been working on stuff!

1. The Supporting Cast for Nowhere Train is almost complete, I just need to finish up the icons. I have about 4 left I believe? Hoping to do that soon.

2. My gijinkas have now been sorted by region! The project is named Lunium now, which I find quite cool and is meant to show their distance from where they came. I'm hoping to add more gijinkas as time goes on... My main worry is wondering if just a ref is enough to show them off. I'll ponder that one more lol.

3. My current project has been working on links for the characters! Sure some have relationship tabs, but I think it's more interesting to hear what the characters ACTUALLY have to say on the matter. It's quite good for some characters who may not have relationship tabs too, so go check out who has some so far! I'm working in alphabetical order, so right now I'm doing Candella's. Progress may be slow... again it's spring break.

That's all I have for now, thank you guys for following btw!


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