storyline characters

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by LovelyHeart

so my character refs for the story im writing "Nightmare NeverDreams" is still a mess DX 

I've got a base for the antagonists (they're the same person but were designed differently) and but the eye colors are off (ugh) I need to redesign their features a bit so that they can fit my book. not to mention, I haven't even drawn the main character yet! :O I have an idea for her base but the character ive chose to make her base is completely off my description on how she would look like. the hairstyle is right shape but not the color. not to mention the main character wears overalls in the book. -facepalms- okay, im going to have to design her from scratch.

the story itself is also mess but luckily I got the first draft of the story preserved in physical copy.

im going to work on all of this so that one day I could find an artist to do a collab with me and we could turn this into a webtoon together! its actually my dream to see people enjoying what I (and we) put together :)

(I don't have someone yet to collaborate with but hopefully it will be possible in the future)


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